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Two ays before the much-anticipated Manali trip, the air buzzed with excitement on the college campus. Students could be seen huddled in groups, discussing travel plans and packing lists, their chatter filling the corridors with an infectious energy.

Karishma, however, found it increasingly difficult to focus on the flurry of activity around her. Ever since her heart-wrenching confession to Haseena, her mind had been in turmoil, replaying the memory of that fateful evening over and over again.

Haseena's reaction had been one of pure shock, her eyes widening as the words left Karishma's trembling lips. The silence that had followed had been deafening, and Karishma had felt her heart sink, bracing herself for the inevitable rejection.

But to her surprise, Haseena had not recoiled or pulled away. Instead, she had simply reached out and taken Karishma's hand, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through Karishma's body.

"Krishu," Haseena had said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I... I don't know what to say."

Karishma had held her breath, her eyes searching Haseena's face for any sign of disgust or revulsion, but all she had found was a profound tenderness that had made her heart ache.

"Hume time chahiye ," Haseena had continued, squeezing Karishma's hand gently. "But please know that you will always be my best friend, no matter what."

With those words, Haseena had given Karishma's hand one final squeeze and quietly left, leaving Karishma alone in the dimly lit room, her heart torn between hope and despair.

Now, as Karishma sat in her bedroom, the envelope containing her letter to Haseena resting on her desk, she found herself consumed by a maelstrom of emotions.

 The anticipation of the Manali trip and the uncertainty of her relationship with Haseena weighed heavily on her mind, making it nearly impossible to focus on her studies.

A soft knock at the door jolted Karishma from her thoughts, and she quickly wiped away the tears that had begun to fall. "Come in," she called out, her voice trembling slightly.

One day before trip

The door opened, and Haseena stepped inside, a warm smile on her face. "Hey, Krishu. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Karishma hesitated, her gaze flitting to the envelope on her desk. "Of course, I'd love to. But are you sure you're comfortable with me being there, after... you know?"

Haseena's eyes softened, and she stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on Karishma's arm. "Krishu, I told you that you'll always be my best friend, no matter what. And I meant it. This doesn't change that, okay?"

Karishma felt a wave of relief wash over her, and she nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Okay. Thank you, Hasi."

Haseena returned the smile, and the three friends fell into a comfortable silence, the unspoken tension from their previous conversation slowly dissipating.

As the evening approached, Karishma's small living room began to fill with the familiar faces of their college friends. Haseena had gathered a group of enthusiastic students, all eager to discuss the Manali trip and finalize the itinerary.

"I can't wait to try the local cuisine," Meera exclaimed. 

"Yea, I heard they have the most amazing momos and thukpa!" Santu said.

The group erupted in excited chatter, each person sharing their own culinary discoveries and recommendations. Karishma listened intently, her stomach rumbling with anticipation.

"And the hiking trails!" Chita, chimed in. "I heard there's a route that takes you to the most breathtaking viewpoint, overlooking the entire valley."

"That sounds amazing!" Haseena exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I can't wait to explore the natural beauty of Manali. It's going to be an unforgettable experience."

Karishma nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on Haseena's face, captivated by the way her features lit up with excitement. She found herself lost in the moment, the weight of her unspoken confession momentarily forgotten.

As the evening wore on, the group continued to discuss the finer details of the trip, from the mode of transportation to the recommended packing list. Karishma contributed where she could, but her mind kept drifting back to the envelope on her desk, the letter within a testament to the depths of her feelings for Haseena.

When the discussion finally drew to a close and their friends began to take their leave, Karishma found herself alone with Haseena once more. The air between them was charged with a tangible tension, and Karishma could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

"Hasi," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "about the other night..."

Haseena raised a hand, silencing Karishma with a gentle gesture. "Krishu, I've been thinking a lot about what you told me. And I... I need to be honest with you."

Karishma held her breath, bracing herself for the inevitable rejection.

"The truth is, I've been having feelings for you too," Haseena continued, her eyes shining with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. "I just didn't know how to tell you, and I was scared of ruining our friendship."

Karishma felt her heart swell with a surge of emotions, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Hasi, I... I don't know what to say."

Haseena took a step closer, her hand reaching out to gently caress Karishma's cheek. "You don't have to say anything. Just know that I care about you, Karishma. More than you can ever imagine."

As the night drew to a close and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Karishma and Haseena lay awake, their minds racing with the events of the evening.

 The Manali trip, once a mere promise of adventure, had now become a symbol of their newfound connection, a chance to explore the depths of their feelings in a setting that promised to be as breathtaking as the love they had discovered.

With a renewed sense of hope and anticipation, Karishma and Haseena drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with the promise of a future where their hearts could soar freely, unbound by the constraints of friendship and free to embrace the beauty of their blossoming love.


Bhai, bahut update de diye n ek din mein ???? 😅 

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