Chapter 15

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3rd person POV (Darv/Sapin border)

The four Lances and Sylvie levitated in the air above the massive Dicathen army staged at the border. The soldiers looked up at the Lances with awe and hope as the Lances looked down at the soldiers. In the very back of the formation stood the supply unit, with Alice, Reynolds, Eleanor, and Boo standing in the front.

Alice and Reynolds looked at Arthur with pride, seeing how he had grown and the man he had become. Regis stood behind them for extra protection and to let them know when it was clear for the supply unit to move in.

"Soldiers of Dicathen!" Aya yelled, amplifying her voice with sound magic. "Today marks the day when we begin to liberate Darv!"

"Yeah!!!!" The soldiers cried out, raising their weapons in the air.

"Today, we will show the Alacryans how we fight! Today, we will show them we are not easily broken! Today, we will show them Darv is our land!" Aya yelled with determination.

The crowd yelled louder, cheering for the Lances.

"Lances!" Aya yelled out. "Prepare for battle!"

Olfred waved his hand as the earth beneath him rose into the air. The earth turned to magma, surrounding him in magma armor.

Varay waved her hands, and well-defined ice armor enveloped her body. She waved her hands again, forming two ice swords in both hands.

Aya activated her beast will, and wind feathers formed on her arms, and wind talons formed on her fingers. She waved her hand, creating a wind cloak around herself.

Arthur activated realmheart, and gold and amethyst runes appeared over his body. He activated his scaled armor and removed despair from his dimensional rune. Arthur released pressure from his core, showing how strong he was and giving the soldiers a morale boost.

'Show off,' Sylvie snickered mentally.

'Gotta boost their confidence somehow,' Arthur chuckled.

'Confidence boost, eh?' Sylvie said mentally as she grabbed the bottom of her chin. Sylvie smirked, 'Alright. Then how about this.'

All eyes snapped to Sylvie as she suddenly began to glow. The soldiers in formation grew wide-eyed as Sylvie took her pitch-black dragon form.


The crowd silenced as Sylvie roared loudly into the air, sending out a powerful pressure that shook the soldiers to their core. Sylvie's roar died down, and she looked down at the crowd with her golden eyes. Arthur smiled, looking at Sylvie like a proud father.

"YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!!!" The crowd burst out into cheers louder than before, with their chests filled with confidence, seeing the magnificent dragon on their side.

"Is everyone ready?" Aya asked, looking at her fellow Lances.

Varay said, "I am."

"Let's take back what's ours," Olfred said with conviction.

Aya looked at Arthur and smirked, "Ready, my Prince?"

Arthur playfully shook his head and smiled at Aya before looking back to the crowd. He coated Despair in fire and lightning magic and lifted it above his head. He fired a beam of fire and lighting into the air in an awe-inspiring display of power.

With convection and using sound magic to amplify his voice, Arthur yelled, "For Dictathen!!"

"For Dicathen!!" The soldiers yelled in return.

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