Chapter 14

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Arthur Eralith POV

I fought the overwhelming urge to turn around and embrace Tess as Mom and I stepped through the portal. I wanted nothing more than to be with her right now. However, I knew I couldn't. This wasn't about her and me; it was about the fate of Dicathen and Alacrya. If we ever wanted to see an end to this war, we needed to start by taking back Darv.

I curiously looked around at the landscape before me, studying my surroundings. I noticed we were standing at the edge of an enormous encampment. Large white tents were set up on top of lush green grass throughout the area. Soldiers stood along the perimeter, with their backs to the camp, looking around protectively. At the far end of the camp, I observed massive barricades set up in front of several tunnels.

I looked at Mom curiously, "Where are we?"

"The border between Sapin and Darv. This is the forward operating base we're staging at for the invasion," Mom said.

I nodded and looked around, impressed, "It's huge."

Mom chuckled, "Well, we do have several units here. Including the supply unit. We've been getting everything ready to take back the dwarven kingdom."

"Gotcha," I said. I looked at Mom curiously, "Why are we here, though?"

Mom looked at me confused, "I just said to-"

"That's not what I meant," I said, cutting off Mom. "Why did we portal to the edge of the camp? Why not take me to the command tent?"

"Ah," Mom said, realizing what I meant. "Why do you think?" Mom asked with a sly grin.

My brows scrunched slightly, and I looked down in thought, grabbing my chin. Several possibilities came to mind, but one above all the rest made the most sense.

I looked at Mom, "To walk through the camp, showing that I'm here?"

Mom smiled and nodded, "Exactly. I know you've been away, so you don't know. But the wedding idea worked. The morale among the soldiers has been significantly higher. You and Tessia getting married has been what all the soldiers have been talking about, how they're looking forward to taking back their home and ending this war."

"And so by walking through the camp, people will see me, and their confidence will increase," I said, in understanding.

"Precisely," Mom smiled. "You ready?"

I took a breath, steeling myself and standing up straight. I was a Lance, someone who boosted the morale of Dicathen's soldiers, so I needed to radiate unbreakable confidence.

"I'm ready," I said. Mom smiled softly as she looked me up and down for a second. I looked at her curiously, "What is it?"

Mom shook her head slightly, "Nothing. You just reminded me of your grandfather for a second. Come on."

I looked at Mom, slightly surprised, as she began to walk toward the camp. I quickly composed myself and began to follow her. We approached the camp, and two soldiers on watch looked in our direction. The soldiers tensed slightly, grabbing the swords they had sheathed to their sides. As we got closer, their eyes widened in realization. They let go of their swords and snapped to attention, saluting us.

"Welcome, General!" One of the soldiers yelled enthusiastically

"You're a welcomed sight, Sir!" The other soldiers yelled elatedly.

I saluted back, "As you were, gentleman. You've done well."

"Thank you, Sir!" They said as they dropped their salutes.

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