Chapter 12

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Caera Denoir POV

I lay comfortably in Callum's warm embrace as he flew through the beautiful, clear night starry sky. It was a full moon tonight, giving us plenty of ambient light and creating a lovely ambiance.

I looked around as we flew low to the ground, just above the lush forest beneath us. I wasn't sure where Callum was taking me, but I felt perfectly safe with him. I hummed with happiness as I laid my head into the crook of his neck and smiled as his sweet aroma filled my nostrils.

I lifted my head and looked around curiously when Callum began his descent. Callum slowed down as we flew into the forest. He slowly passed through the forest, maneuvering around the trees. Soon, the sound of flowing water filled my ears, and we flew into a small meadow.

Callum landed softly and gently put me down feet first. I looked around the meadow in awe, admiring its beauty. There was a small opening in the trees, allowing moonlight to illuminate the area. Beautiful white flowers grew across the meadow, with a river flowing in the middle that shined from the moonlight. Lightning bugs flew in the air, flying from flower to flower.

"This is beautiful," I breathed out, almost whispering.

I looked at Callum, who looked at me with his deep golden eyes and a warm smile. "Glad to see I can impress you," Callum chuckled.

I chortled softly, "Why are we here?"

Callum smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he motioned with his head for me to follow him. He turned and walked toward the river, and I immediately followed. I walked beside Callum until we stopped at the river bank covered with lush green grass.

I watched Callum curiously as he took out a rolled, soft-looking, checkered blue and black blanket from his dimensional ring. He unrolled the blanket and laid it out across the grass. He stepped onto the blanket and looked at me with a warm smile.

"Come on," Callum extended his arm to me, "Sit down."

I smiled warmly, "Don't mind if I do."

I took his hand, and I stepped onto the blanket on the opposite side of Callum. We elegantly sat ourselves down, and Callum took his hand away. Callum took a sizeable woven basket from his dimensional ring and set it to the side.

I raised a brow and gave Callum an amused smile, "Did you bring me all the way out here just to have a picnic?"

Callum chuckled, and his eyes flicked to me, "Maybe. You don't mind, do you?"

I smiled softly and shook my head, "Not at all."

"Good, because I've been looking forward to spending some quality alone time with you," Callum said warmly.

A blissful wave washed over me, seeing all the work he was putting into tonight just for me. Callum took the top off the basket and took out a bottle of wine. He set the bottle down before he reached down and took out two glasses. He placed the glasses down in front of us and opened the bottle of wine.

He poured the wine into both glasses, only filling them halfway. He placed the bottle down and picked up the glasses, handing one of them to me. I happily took a glass, and Callum raised his glass to his nose.

He smiled and hummed, "Smells good."

I looked at my glass and sniffed the wine, "Wow."
I said, surprised by its sweet smell, "I hope it tastes as good as it smells."

"Only one way to find out," Callum chuckled and sipped the wine. Callum hummed in satisfaction and nodded, "That's good."

I giggled in amusement, seeing his reaction. I looked at my glass before I put it to my lips and took a small sip.

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