Chapter 10

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Caera Denoir POV

I stood in the center of the City Square as rebel and loyalist soldiers walked around. After we took the loyalist soldiers as prisoners, we detained them in mana suppression cuffs and set up tempus warps. The rebels were currently escorting the loyalists through the tempus warps to the military base in Vechor. We had the base setup so we could house prisoners of war.

I looked toward City Hall as rebel soldiers were currently clearing all of the civilians out. During the siege, the loyalists placed all the civilians into the hall for their safety. I felt a dagger in my heart seeing some of the children's faces. They looked so scared.

However, that dagger was quickly replaced with anger toward the High Sovereign. None of this would be happening if it wasn't for him. The quicker we could end this war, the more lives we could save.


I was slightly startled when I felt something land on my left shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and relaxed with a smile, noticing it was Seraphina. Seraphina looked around almost protectively as she settled comfortably.

"You did great out there," I said as I gently scratched the top of her head.

Seraphina screeched, and I giggled slightly, seeing how cute she looked. Memories of growing up with Seraphina and Callum surfaced. I pictured us in the courtyard as kids running around while Seraphina chased and caught us. I knew Seraphina wasn't sentient and only followed orders, but she always did feel alive to me.

"Whatcha smiling about?" I heard a familiar voice say.

My smile widened at his voice, and I looked up as they approached me. Callum looked at me with his deep golden eyes and warm smile.

"About us growing up. How Seraphina played tag with us," I said.

Callum nodded and chuckled, "That was your favorite game. You'd get all upset when she caught you first."

I crossed my arms across my chest, "I would not."

"Oh, you would, too," Callum chuckled. "You're the most competitive person I know."

I shrugged and looked to the side, "What can I say? I don't like to lose."

I heard Callum laugh as I continued to look to the side. I didn't hear him say anything else, so I curiously looked at him. He was casually standing there looking at me warmly.

"What?" I asked, a little snappy, slightly tilting my head.

Callum stepped up to me and gently brushed a strand of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"I missed you. I'm glad to have you back," Callum whispered.

My face practically burned, my mouth went slightly agape, my heart skipped a beat, and I felt a fluttering sensation in my stomach.

"Ah-em, I hope I'm not disturbing you," I heard a voice say.

We looked toward the voice to see Sevren standing to my left. He was looking at us amusingly, with his eyes darting between Callum and me.

I cleared my throat, composed myself, and stepped back from Callum. I heard Callum chuckle a little.

"Is everything ready?" I asked.

Sevren smiled and nodded, "Yeah. The captain here has been briefed. They're going to handle the rest."

"Good. Then we best not delay," I said as I walked toward him.

Severn turned and walked away, and I followed. Out of the corner of my right eye, I could see Callum walking beside me with a small smile.

"What?" I asked, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

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