Chapter 5

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Seris Vritra POV

The temperature inside Taegrin Caelum was chilling. I walked down the hallway, looking at the mannequins against the wall. The mannequins were dawned in different types of armor, some ceremonial, while others looked dressed for war. 

Several paintings depicting Agrona's 'greatness' were hung on the wall. Each painting showed him as a benevolent ruler. Someone who came to Alacrya of his own free will to enlighten us. In one painting, it depicted just that. It showed Agrona and his Asuran race descending from the sky toward the Alacryan people, with the citizens of Alacrya on their knees praying to Agrona.

Another painting showed Agrona giving us Vritra's powers to 'protect' us from the other Asura. The painting beside it showed him giving Alacryans their first bestowment. I scoffed as my eyes traced each painting.

"What obvious lies," I whispered to myself with disdain.

"You must be careful, Scythe Seris," Cylrit whispered, standing behind me. I turned to look at him, seeing him looking around cautiously before looking back at me. "You never know who is listening."

I smiled slightly in amusement at his protectiveness, "And what if someone did hear? Would you kill them?"

Cylrit nodded and stepped toward me so we only stood mere inches apart, "I will always protect you."

I chuckled, seeing the unwavering conviction in his stern gaze, "Good to know."

I poked his left shoulder, slowly gliding my finger across his armored chest. Cylrit's expression didn't change as he stared into my eyes. He didn't even twitch. His gaze was locked on mine with protectiveness, loyalty, and something more.

'Always so steadfast.'

"You best be going, Scythe Seris. You'll be late for the meeting," Cylrit pointed out.

My lips curved in a smirk, "Yes, I supposed I should."

I raised my hand and gently brushed his cheek with the back of my hand before I turned around and began to walk down the obsidian halls with Cylrit's footfalls sounding behind me. I came to a T-shaped corridor and turned right. A set of large black double doors was at the end of the hallway. Two guards stood outside dressed in black armor. Standing before the guards, pacing, was Mawar, with Bivrae leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

Mawar's figure was vague, like an ethereal shadow made real. Plain black robes hung from her fragile frame, but they seemed to float and dance around her ankles before falling into nothing as if they had lost their identity and had become darkness. A black, foggy breeze carried her above the ground as if she were floating. Her head was devoid of horns, but her short white hair was curled into straight, sharp spikes that glistened in contrast to her dark black skin and attire.

Bivrae was something completely opposite of Marwar, lacking elegance, and most people would grow disgusted at the sight of her. She looked like someone had stuck together a handful of broken sticks with swamp sludge and then hung some ratty old rags over for clothes. And let's not mention the foul odor she emitted.

Odor aside, I felt relieved seeing Mawar and Bivrae here. Since they were here, that means there were no retainers to stand in the rebellion's way in Vechor. The battle, which should've already begun, will be in the rebellion's favor.

Mawar stopped moving and turned her head in my direction. She bowed slightly in respect, "Good evening, Scythe Seris."

"Mawar," I greeted simply as I walked past her.

My gaze flicked to Bivrae, whose blackened eyes followed me as I walked past her, desperately holding my breath at her smell.

The guards snapped to attention as I approached the double doors. I grabbed the doorknob and stopped.

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