Chapter 9

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Sevren Denoir POV

Lightning coiled around me as I dashed through the streets of Dzianis. The sounds of battle cries, metal clashing, and spells being unleashed sounded through the air as we laid siege to the city. Fire raged around me, with burning boulders fired from rebel catapults flying through the air.

After we took the military base and announced the rebellion, Agrona returned some of Alacrya's soldiers from Dicathen. It's exactly what we wanted, so Arthur Leywin and the others had a better chance to take Dicathen back. However, the opposition we now face in Alacrya is more significant than before. Luckily, with several Highblood families joining the rebellion, our numbers have grown, giving us a fighting chance.

I rounded a corner to a street filled with Alacryan loyalists and rebels. They clashed violently, and everyone was jumbled together. I could tell who fought for whom, as the rebels' armor was silver with distinct rebel symbols.

I looked past the mass and saw the wooden barricades the Dzianis defenders had erected. We needed to get past the barricades to reach the inner city.

I dashed forward into the crowd, knife at the ready. I closed in on two sword-wielders locked in heavy battle. The loyalist slammed his sword against the rebels, and they pressed against each other. The loyalist stomped his left foot on the ground, shooting up an earth pillar that stuck the rebel on the chest plate. The rebel grunted and was knocked down onto his back.

The loyalist placed their foot on the rebel's chest, holding them to the ground. They raised their sword, pointing it at the rebel's head. The loyalist looked up with wide eyes as I closed in on him. He was too late to react as I brought my dagger up and plunged it into the front of their neck. The loyalist wobbled, coughing up blood.

I sliced the dagger out the left side of his neck, leaving a large gash. Blood gushed out of their wound, and they fell to the ground unmoving.

I turned around at the sound of metal ringing behind me. The rebel I had saved had stood up and blocked a spear user from stabbing me in the back. The spear user waved their spear, knocking the rebel back slightly. They thrust their spear forward, and the rebel deflected the attack to the side.

Using this opportunity, I dashed forward toward the spear wielder. The loyalist's eyes flicked to me, and they swung their spear toward my torso. I fell to my knees, dodging the attack, and skidded on the ground past them. I stood up, spun around, and stabbed my dagger into the back of the loyalist's head.

The loyalists' body twitched, and the smell of burnt flesh filled my nostrils as my lightning magic flowed through their body. I pulled my dagger out of their head, and their limp body fell to the ground. I looked to the rebel, who gave me a nod. Suddenly, his eyes flicked behind me, and he went wide-eyed.

"Commander! Behind you!" He yelled, dashing forward.

I turned around, and my eyes fell on a loyalist dual-sword user inches from me. His swords were covered in wind mana and were aimed at my chest. I gritted my teeth and mentally scolded myself as I didn't have time to react.

All of a sudden, the air around me began to vibrate, and the dual wielder stopped in their tracks. They dropped their sword and grabbed their head as they yelled a blood-curdling cry. Their armor fluctuated until their body burst in a shower of gore. The blood fell onto my lightning cloak and sizzled away.

I smiled in relief, seeing the familiar magic. I looked up as Lyra descended slowly, scanning the battlefield with her eyes. She lifted both arms, and the air around the battlefield vibrated. All the loyalist troops yelled in tandem before their bodies burst with blood and guts, painting the ground like a canvas. Soon, the yelling died down, and Lyra landed beside me. The rebels cheered at the sight of Lyra and called out her name.

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