Chapter 5

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Dedicated to Milk_me_mikey because your username makes me laugh and I couldn't agree more with you on your comment last chapter. :)

The picture is a small representation of what Ricky's party is like.

"LUCAS!" Michael yelled at his sleeping friend. "WAKE UP!"

After Michael felt the need to shake him awake, Luke woke up to the black haired boy. He nearly jumped, still not used to his dyed hair. "What the hell are you doing? It's, like, five in the morning. And Saturday."

"Well, I'm glad you get to wake up to something as handsome as me," Michael smirked. "And it's actually eight."

"Shut the fuck up. Why are you getting me up anyway? The point of a sleepover after you stayed up until two in the morning is to sleep," Luke grumbled.

"Because we have to get ready for Ricky's!" Michael said rather loudly, making Luke cringe. It was too early for yelling.

"Really, Michael? The party isn't until eight. Tonight. It is eight in the morning. There's a twelve hour difference there," Luke told him.

"Your point?" Michael asked.

"Go. Back. To. Bed. You're seriously acting like such a girl right now. I'm going to start calling you Michelle," Luke told him, throwing one of the millions of pillows at the black haired boy.

"You're such a party pooper, Luke," Michael told him.

"I'm a party pooper because I want to finish sleeping and not start getting ready for a pathetic party that is twelve hours away? I would have to disagree and say that I'm the smart one," Luke argued, taking the pillow that was under his head and put it over his face. "Get off of me before I smother myself."

"Don't go dying on my watch. Jesus, Luke," Michael said, getting off of his best friend.

Luke smiled under the pillow, hoping that Michael will now shut up long enough for Luke to at least get more than the little sleep he got. Normally, he would be sleeping until noon on a Saturday, but he knew that Michael wouldn't let him do that because he would freak out that the party would be eight hours away and God forbid, they might miss it.

He couldn't be mad at Michael. The boy was just excited to go to his first high school party and didn't want to miss a second of it. It amused Luke sort of. He was like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert, but it wouldn't be that ear piercing hopefully. Luke was also happy that Michael wasn't like Sierra Clover, Alicia Harris, and whatever other little minions were in there 'Fab Four' clique and literally vlogged it all for Youtube, Instagram, and any other social media that would let the upload their pathetic videos. They did it for anything they were doing, especially when they were going to be going to a party or an event. It got annoying to see his Instagram and Facebook feed filled with their videos.

Michael could be like that, but thankfully, he wasn't.

Luke was surprised at how Michael just shut up like he did. Now that he was awake, there was no way that he was going to go back to sleep. But it was unlike Michael to be quiet for over five minutes. It was like he wasn't even in the room. He was probably just listening to music and scrolling through Twitter or something until Luke would wake up. The kid was like a zombie when he would do something like that.

Out of curiosity, Luke took the pillow off his head to see what his friend was doing. When he did, he almost had a heart attack and jumped through the roof. Michael was sitting on his bed, staring down at Luke creepily. When Luke got ahold of himself, he launched the pillow at the boy, hitting him in the face. This is a time that Luke wished it would have been filled with a brick or something hard.

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