18. ℭ𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔓𝔱. 2

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Uma grunts in frustration, spinning around and rushing to FG who still holds her wand, "Ugh! Give it to me!" FG gasps, No! Guards! Seize her!" Uma runs to the side of the ship, Mal, Ben, and I stopping the guards as Mal says, "No! No, stop! Please, stop!"

She tries to calm Uma down, "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want." Uma looks at me and at Ben, before looking back to me.

I open my mouth to say something when her necklace starts glowing and chirping. Uma looks down at it before looking at Mal, who tries to approach her slowly. Uma then turns and starts climbing the rails, "No! No! Uma!" She jumps in the water, Ben and I calling out for her, "Uma!"

Everyone exclaims in shock and fright before rushing to the side of the ship to see if there is any sign of her. The water begins to swirl and rise, a glow seen coming from Uma's necklace as it keeps growing. We continue to watch stunned when the water pops, soaking us to the bone as Uma - now a huge half octopus - laughs wickedly.

We all snap out of our shock and hurry back to the rail as we all had backed away. Uma taunts, "True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" She then begins to whip her tentacles, causing everyone to try and duck out of the way. One of the tentacles grazes my arm, causing me to hiss in pain as it starts bleeding.

Mal snaps her head to me and gasps as she sees me holding my arm, her breathing picking up as she turns back and glares at Uma. She steps away from us as she begins panting, her eyes starting to glow their bright green - getting brighter as Uma motions for her to come at her.

Ben ties his handkerchief to my arm, before asking cautiously, "Mal?" We watch as Mal is engulfed in purple smoke, only for it to disappear and reveal Mal as a dragon before she takes flight. My mouth drops as I watch her take to the sky, "Whoa..."

Uma laughs as Mal screeches, breathing fire in her direction and Uma whips a tentacle at Mal. "Come on, Mal! Let's finish this, once and for all." Mal breathes fire as she flies over Uma, gliding over the boat and arching up to avoid a tentacle.

Mal breathes a fireball at Uma, who goes under the water to avoid it and emerges from the sea, making a wave. "Watch out!" Ben calls, warning everyone. The wave causes everyone to lose their balance as the yacht rocks on the water, Ben and I steadying ourselves and as we rush to the side.

Ben then roars and hands me his crown and Jay helps him talk off his coat, Carlos saying, "Wait. Ben! No!" Ben runs forward and jumps off the boat, all of us hurrying to the side and calling for him. He appears between Mal and Uma, "Mal! Uma! Stop! Back down!" Uma chuckles, "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?"

"That's enough," Ben shouts, "It's got to stop. This isn't the answer. The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try. Uma, Marissa and I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help us make a difference."

He extends a hand, Uma looking cautiously hesitant before slowly extending her tentacle, Mal warningly roaring as Uma places Ben's ring in his hand. She looks at me with a slightly worried expression when she see's my arm, realizing she did that. I smile softly at her and nod, earning one in return before she disappears under the sea.

Ben then swims back to the boat, Jay and Carlos throwing down the ladder for him to climb up. "There you go," Dad helps Ben back over the railing onto the yacht, Doug patting his back, "Good job, Ben." Everyone cheers as Ben is back on the boat, myself walking over with a proud smile and putting his crown back on, "Well done, bro. Well done."

He smiles at me when we hear a screech, all of us look over as Mal lands and is engulfed by smoke again, transforming back to her human form. Her original blue and yellow dress now replaced with a dress that just fits Mal's personality.

I laugh as I see her patting it down as it's smoking, only for her to look at Ben and chuckle and wave. She then picks up her dress and curtsies, Ben bowing back before they both stand back up, Mal chuckling as Evie and I walk to the bottom of the steps.

Two guards then take her arms and escort her down the stairs as everyone cheers and applauds. The guards stop by Evie and I, bowing to me as I nod to them. Mal exhales, "Whoo! So, I did not know that I could do that." Evie responds, "Tell me about it. That makes three of us."

I shrug jokingly, "I had speculation given that her mom could, but..." The three of us laugh when we hear sizzling. Evie and I having to blow on Mal's dress to put out the small fires, "Thank you." We each extend a hand to Mal, "Shall we?" Mal takes both of our hands, "We shall."

Evie and I lead her to Ben, and they gaze at each other before he draws her to him and kisses her. We all awe at the sight when Carlos says, "All right, all right, all right, all right." Ben then looks at us, "I owe you guys so much." The VKs, Lonnie, and I nod in agreement, myself saying, "Oh, you totally do."

Ben then says, "If there is anything that you need, or anything that I can do for you..." Evie raises her had, "Um... Actually... There is, Ben. I know a girl who'd... Who'd really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me."

"Then she should come," Ben says. Evie smiles happily, "Okay. Okay, great. Actually, um... Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

Ben nods, "Yes, yes, absolutely. Please." Everyone begins cheering, and I tell Evie, "Don't worry, Eves... I'll make sure he follows through." She smiles and hugs me, "Thanks, Rissa."

One of the guards then comes up to us, "Lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it." Mal takes the book, "Ooh. Um... You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother."

FG then pops up between Ben and the guard, "Okay. That's me. Thank you. Mmm-hmm." Mal says, "This belongs in the museum." FG nods, "It does, yes. And I'm gonna take it." Mal says, "Go for it."

FG leaves with the book as Mal looks to Ben, "I'm not gonna be needing it anymore." The happy couple smiles at each other when Mal splashes Ben, causing us to laugh and he retaliates.

(A/n: I'm too lazy to write the song right now, so just imagine Marissa in the movie singing and dancing.)

All of us, soaked to the bone, face my brother and Mal, bowing to them as we smirk before cheering them on and partying the night away.


On the Isle of the Lost, Dizzy is listening to music and sweeping the hair on the floor of the salon, when five guards enter, one carrying a scroll for Dizzy. She takes it and reads aloud,

"'His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, Her Highness, Princess Marissa of Auradon, and their Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle hereby request the pleasure of your company, Dizzy Tremaine, for the current academic year at Auradon Prep. Please notify his Majesty's couriers of your response to this request.

"'We'd love you to join us at Auradon Prep. Will you come? Signed, King Ben.' 'We can't wait to meet you. Signed, Princess Marissa.'"

Dizzy then screams in delight and hugs the head guard, all of them smiling at her when Lady Tremaine hits the wall, "Zip it up!"

As Dizzy celebrates, Uma is seen coming up out of the water, turning towards the readers, "What? You didn't think this was the end of the story? Did you? Don't you want to see what happens next for Harry and Marissa? I know I do."

𝔅𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔚𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔉𝔬𝔯 by Hufflepuff1700Where stories live. Discover now