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It was the day of the ball and of course Chaeryeong was getting ready for it earlier. They started preparing by 4:30 in the afternoon and the ball starts at 7.

Right now, she was currently getting her hair and makeup done by her mom and older sister.

"You look so pretty Chaery" Chaeyeon said as Chaeryeong was now in her gown that they chose a few days ago.

"Thank you unnie" Chaeryeong said with a smile.

"I bet you'll be the prom queen this year" Mina said which made Chaeryeong shy.

"Mom, stop saying that" Chaeryeong said shyly, fluttered how her mom and sister compliment her.

They then heard a knock on the door.

"Are you girls done getting prepared?" they heard and it was Chaeyoung. The three chuckled before Mina puts on a little bit of finishing touches on Chaeryeong

"Almost babe" Mina said and finally, Chaeryeong was all done with her hair and makeup.

Mina then let's Chaeyoung in and Chaeyoung was surprised to see her daughter.

"You look so beautiful sweetie" Chaeyoung said with a smile as she went towards Chaeryeong.

"Thank you eomma" Chaeryeong said as Chaeyoung hugged her

After a while, they heard the doorbell ring and a knock on the door.

"It's 6:30 already?" Chaeyeon asked in shock

"That must be Ryujin" Mina said as she went to the door along with Chaeyoung.

"I'm nervous" Chaeryeong said with a sigh

"Why?" Chaeyeon asked her sister

"I don't know if she'll like what I'm wearing and how I look" Chaeryeong said nervously

"I'm sure she'll think your beautiful Chaery, come on, she's waiting for you" Chaeyeon said, more excited than her sister.

Mina and Chaeyoung opened the door and saw Ryujin in a suit, a rose gold one as well and it matches Chaeryeong's outfit which was a coincidence. Chaeyeon then went towards them to greet Ryujin as well.

"Good eve Aunt Mina, Aunt Chaeyoung and Chaeyeon unnie. I got these for you three" Ryujin said as she handed the three, one each of a bouquet of roses. Chaeryeong's parents gave her a hug as a thank you.

"Aww thank you Ryujin" Chaeyeon said with a smile as she got the flowers.

"I'm here to pick up Chaeryeong" Ryujin said with a smile

"You're just in time, she just got done with preparing" Chaeyeon said and then let Ryujin in

"Really? I mean if she needs more time to prepare, I'm fine with-" Ryujin was cut off when she turned her head and averts her eyes to her girlfriend. Her breath was taken away as soon as she saw the younger in her rose gold gown. It really look beautiful on her and Ryujin couldn't take her eyes off of her.

(Chaeryeong's gown)

(Chaeryeong's gown)

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