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It seems hard for Chaeryeong to be able to talk with her eomma again. Today she went to school and even during class Chaeyoung would ignore her. It upsets Chaeryeong so much, she regretted everything she said about her eomma and wishes to just be in good terms with her again.

"Hey" Yuri nudged her on the side but Chaeryeong wouldn't still change her look on the window

"Ryeong-ah" Yuri called once again.

"H-huh?" Chaeryeong asked confusingly and looked at the shorter beside her

"You've been zoning off since five minutes ago, are you okay?" Yuri asked and Chaeryeong kept mum as she looks at her eomma writing something on the board.

"Yeah.... I guess" Chaeryeong muttered and sighed.

They averted their eyes back to Chaeyoung who was still writing on the board and soon after the bell rang.

"Okay class dismissed, see you all tomorrow and I want your projects to be submitted on friday at 5pm sharp, understood?" Chaeyoung asked and the students replied immediately.

Since it was dismissal time, Chaeryeong wanted to join her eomma on going home so she quickly went out of class to follow her but then Chaeyoung immediately went to the faculty room.

It made Chaeryeong sigh and heart break seeing how her mother was acting towards her. She didn't know what to do.

She felt disappointed a little since Mina did told Chaeyoung that Chaeryeong was sick a day ago and it seems like her eomma doesn't care about it anymore.

"Hey Ryeong, why did you run off like that so qui-" Yuri was cut off when she now sees the taller girl crying.

"H-hey? what's wrong?" Yuri asked worriedly as she went towards her friend.

"Does anything hurt? do you want to go to the infirmary?" Yuri asked but Chaeryeong just shook her head

Yuri also didn't know what was happening so she decided to call Ryujin but just in time.

"Jagi?" Chaeryeong heard and looked up to see the older standing just across them. She immediately went towards Ryujin and hugged her tightly, crying on the crook of her neck.

"Hey, it's alright baby, it's alright" Ryujin comforted her and kissed her temple.

"Ryeong" Lia said and panted as she went towards them

"What happened to Ryeongchae?" Yeji asked

"I didn't know what happened but when I saw her she was already crying" Yuri said and pouted, feeling bad since she doesn't know what her friends' problem was.

"Come on, let's get you home" Ryujin said hut Chaeryeong shook her head.

"Do you want to go somewhere first? hmm?" Ryujin asked softly and Chaeryeong nodded, Ryujin then gently wipes off her tears and caress her back.

"How about we go to the park?" Lia suggested

"That sounds nice, let's go!" Yuna said excitedly and they went out of the campus.

Yeji drove the sisters while Ryujin drove Chaeryeong to the park.

"Want anything to buy jagi?" Ryujin asked

"Can we get something to drink?" Chaeryeong asked

"Of course" Ryujin said and chuckled as she held the younger's hand with her free hand.

After a while and getting their drinks, Ryujin drove them to the park where the other three were waiting.

"Where did you guys went?" Yeji asked

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