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"Want anything?" Ryujin asked the younger but Chaeryeong shook her head. They were done with the short tour around the area and the students were given free time to look around on their own.

"Are you sure?" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong nodded

"Okay baby, we can go back to our room then" Ryujin suggested as she held the younger tighter by her side and kissed her temple. She didn't want to let go of the younger.

They went back to their room and Chaeryeong immediately went to the bed to rest, she didn't like the tour that much but she didn't had any choice. She was just excited to finally get back home tomorrow.

"Tired already my baby?" Ryujin asked the younger and Chaeryeong nodded as she yawned. Ryujin chuckled and went beside the younger in the bed. She wrapped her arms around the younger's waist, pulling her closer.

"Ryujin" Chaeryeong called softly

"Yes baby?" Ryujin asked

"Why weren't you answering my messages or replying back?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at the older

"Oh..." Ryujin muttered

"Eomma found out my guitar got broken so I got grounded and she got my phone. I wasn't allowed to use it" Ryujin said and it made Chaeryeong guilty

"Sorry, it was my fault why your guitar broke and you got grounded" Chaeryeong said, feeling so guilty for making Ryujin's guitar broken and then letting her get grounded by her eomma.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault okay? You don't need to say sorry baby. As long as you're okay, I'm more than happy Hmm?" Ryujin reassured her and the younger nodded.

"Let's rest now baby okay?" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong nodded once again

Ryujin kissed the younger's forehead first before they went off to sleep


The following day, they were all now in the bus, ready to get back home from their trip.

"Is everyone here?" The teacher in charge asked as she looks through the seats.

"Nae!" The students replied happily.

The teacher then nodded and told the bus driver to start the bus and drive back to the school. It would be a very long ride since it was quite far, some students were chit chatting, others were using their phones and the others were also sleeping.

Chaeryeong and Ryujin on the other hand we're listening to some music together, of course a playlist that Ryujin made for her lovely girlfriend.

"I like this one" Chaeryeong said softly and smiled

"Really?" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong nodded cutely. It made Ryujin chuckle and she hugged the girl beside her tighter than a while ago, the scent of the younger's hair was enough for her to be more in love with her.

"You smell good" Ryujin muttered softly, Chaeryeong looked at her in the eyes and smiled.

"Thank you... you smell good too" Chaeryeong whispered and then kissed the corner of Ryujin's lips. Of course she loves how the older gives and says compliments to her.

For the rest of the ride back to the school, the two were already sleeping, Chaeryeong had her head resting on Ryujin's chest as the older cradled her. Good thing they had just enough space for their position right now and Ryujin doesn't want to let go of her girlfriend.

"The two are being so lovey dovey again" Winter said in the back

"Tell me about it" Giselle said and chuckled as they were a few seats behind the couple.

The couple's friends won't stop teasing them about them being so clingy to each other even after a short argument from the week before.

"Look at Ryujin... holding Chaeryeong so close to her" Yeji commented and they chuckled

"Like damn girl, no one's stealing your girl from you" Yujin added and they all laughed but a stern voice stopped them to do so

"Will you four shut it?! Everyone else is trying to sleep and yet you three still think teasing and making fun of Chaeryeong and Ryujin is a good idea" Lia said seriously, she had her arms crossed already. She wasn't seating beside her girlfriend for the reason that her sister Yuna wanted to seat beside her going back.

"S-sorry, we'll try to keep quiet" Yeji said nervously

"As you should" Lia said and then went back to her sit near the front.

"Gosh, she's angry" Giselle said and sat back properly on her seat

"You know what, I'll try to sleep now" Yujin said

"Same here" Yeji said

"Hey, come on guys, we still need to-" Winter was cut off by Giselle

"We need to keep quiet unless you want your girlfriend to be scolding us next" Giselle said and Winter sighed, she sat down properly on her seat and then tried to sleep as well.

After some minutes, or probably an hour, they finally got back to school. Some parents were already waiting for some of their kids but to Ryujin and the others, they had their cars parked in the school's parking area since their parents were kind of busy.

"Bye unnies! See you tomorrow!" Yuna said before going inside of Yeji's car, Yeji insisted on driving her girlfriend and of course her girlfriend's sister.

"See you at school tomorrow guys" Giselle said and waved goodbye as she and Ningning went off.

Little by little, the students went to their homes and all that was left was Ryujin and Chaeryeong.

"Want to go out or you want to go home now?" Ryujin asked as she was finished putting their things at the back

"I'm kind of tired" Chaeryeong said and pouted

"Okay, I'll drive you home then" Ryujin said and then opened the door for Chaeryeong, Chaeryeong got in and Ryujin did as well after closing the other door.

She started driving off to Chaeryeong's house.

"Baby~" Chaeryeong called softly for her

"Yes jagi?" Ryujin said, calling her girlfriend with a new nickname

The nickname actually made Chaeryeong's ears perk, she chuckled softly and turned to Ryujin.

"Can you stay over? I miss you being around at the house" Chaeryeong said

"Of course I can jagi" Ryujin said with a smile and then gently grabbed Chaeryeong's hand, bringing it up close to her. She kissed the back of it and put it down just a over her lap.

"I like that" Chaeryeong said

"Which one?" Ryujin asked

"Jagi, I like you calling me that" Chaeryeong said and honestly, Ryujin loves calling Chaeryeong that too.

"Then I'll call you jagi from now on. Does that make you feel happy jagi?" Ryujin asked and she earned a chuckle from the younger

"Really... it makes me really happy" Chaeryeong said honestly.....

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