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"Okay, I'll have to go home first. You two stay safe okay? just call when something comes up" Nayeon said

"Yes mom, thank you again" Ryujin said

"Thank you Aunt Nayeon" Chaeryeong said with a smile causing the older to chuckle

"You're welcome, also get well soon Chaery" Nayeon said before hugging the younger and then hugging Ryujin as well.

"Tell Mina immediately okay sweetheart?" Nayeon reminded her eldest and Ryujin responded with a nod.

Nayeon then left the house and Ryujin and Chaeryeong were left alone.

"You want to take a nap first jagi?" Ryujjn asked softly as she sat beside the younger

"Hmm... maybe. Will you stay beside me then?" Chaeryeong asked and Ryujin nodded as she chuckled

"Of course I will my baby" Ryujin said and then went to lay down beside the younger, wrapping her in her arms as Chaeryeong hid her face on the crook of the older's neck.

"I'll wake you up when it's dinner time okay?" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong nodded softly.

As Chaeryeong fell asleep quickly, Ryujin called Mina to inform her and of course so that she won't get too worried.


"Aunt Mina?"

"Oh hello Ryujin dear? do you need something? I can order some food for you and Chaery if you want"

"No but thank you Aunt Mina"

"Hmm, what do you two need? are you two gonna go out today?"

"Actually, Chaeryeong suddenly got sick this morning when I woke up"


"She got sick but don't worry Aunt Mina. I called my mom so that she could help me, she feels a lot better now"

"Can I talk to her please? I want to check on her"

"She's asleep Aunt Mina but I'll call you as soon as she wakes up"

"Thank you so much Ryujin, thank you for taking care of Chaery for me"

"No problem Aunt Mina" Ryujin said with a smile and then looks at the younger who was sound asleep

"Okay, I'm sorry that I couldn't go home immediately, just call me when she wakes up"

"I will Aunt Mina"

"Thank you again Ryujin, you two stay safe okay?"

"Yes Aunt Mina"


As Ryujin ended the cal, she decided to prepare a snack for the younger while she was asleep, she simply made tteokboki since it was Chaeryeong's favorite.

After cooking, she went back up to the younger's room and was surprised to see her already up.

"Hello jagi, had a good nap?" Ryujin asked and sat beside her

"Y-yeah" Chaeryeong said weakly.

"Is there something wrong?" Ryujin asked but Chaeryeong just kept mum.

"Come here" Ryujin said softly and let the younger straddle her lap and hug her tightly in her arms.

"You know you can tell me anything baby" Ryujin said softly

"Is it about your eomma?" Ryujin asked, figuring that it was actually Chaeryeong's problem right now. The younger nodded and Ryujin caressed her back

"What about her? hmm?" Ryujin asked

"S-she didn't texted me. She usually leaves a message to me and Chae unnie before they leave for work. She didn't left any today" Chaeryeong said as she starts to tear up again.

"Maybe she's really mad at m-me..." Chaeryeong trailed off as Ryujin cradled her in her arms.

"Maybe she just forgot jagi, your eomma is quite busy" Ryujin said

"She never forgets, every single day she would leave a message if we wouldn't go out together" Chaeryeong said and she starts crying already

"I... I miss eomma" Chaeryeong cried, she regretted saying that she hates her but she truly misses how sweet her eomma could be, especially to her since she was the youngest. That was actually the first time that Chaeyoung got mad at Chaeryeong and scolded her.

"Do you want me to call your mom? do you want to talk to her?" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong nodded

Ryujin quickly called Mina and as soon as she answered the phone, she gave her phone to Chaeryeong.



"Sweetie? are you okay now? hmm?"

"Y-yeah" Chaeryeong said and sniffed

"Don't worry okay? we'll be home soon. Ryujin is there to take care of you okay?"

"Yes M-Mom" Chaeryeong said as her voice slightly cracks

"Is there something wrong sweetie? does anything hurt?"

"I-Is eomma with you?"

"Oh, she's at work sweetie, do you want me to call her for you?"

"No need Mom... its just that she didn't left a message for me today"

"Maybe she's just busy sweetie, don't worry, I'll tell her later okay? you should rest. I love you my sweet princess, I'll be home soon"

"I love you too mom"


They ended the call and Chaeryeong gave back the phone to Ryujin. She then hugged the older once again.

"I miss eomma" Chaeryeong said and hid her face on the crook of the older's neck.

"Don't worry baby, I'm sure your eomma will be home soon as well" Ryujin reassured her.

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