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"Okay girls, I want all of you to do five laps, hurry up!" their teacher said and blew the whistle, signalling them to start running.

"Why Five?" Yujin whined as she ran

"Not sure why, I don't know why Mrs. Kim is being so harsh" Winter complained

"Its your fault in the first place" Giselle said and groaned, trying to catch up to them

Ryujin just chuckled at her friend's remarks, the reason why they were running at the field right now was because some students in class were throwing papers to each other which disturbed Mrs. Kim a bit.

"Hang on Ryujin!" Yeji shouted, trying to catch up to the younger, they were already in  there third lap and Yeji was kind of getting tired already.

"It's all Winter unnie's fault.... I..... I have to run a lot now" Yujin complained

"Yah! you were the one who threw papers at me first" Winter defended

"Because there was a question written in the paper you dummy" Giselle said back.

Ryujin really didn't mind running for a few laps on the field but it kind of worried her since she promise Chaeryeong that she would take her out after class today. She didn't want to disappoint the younger, knowing well that Chaeryeong was waiting for this date since a week ago.

"Where's Ryujin?" Chaeryeong asked worriedly, she was waiting for the older by her locker as Ryujin told her to

"Maybe still in class? they do get late sometimes" Lia said

"Eomma wouldn't take too long in her classes, I know that Ryujin has Art class by now" Chaeryeong said

"Why don't we go ask her unnie? Maybe Aunt Chaeyoung knows" Yuna suggested

"Maybe..." Chaeryeong trailed off and pouted, she's been waiting for Ryujin for around ten minutes already.

The three went to the teacher's faculty to check if Chaeyoung was around.

"Hello girls, need anything?" Ms. Park asked

"Hello Ms. Park, is Mrs. Son around?" Lia asked

"Oh yes, I'll call her for you" Ms. Park said and the girls nodded, waiting for Chaeyoung

'I will...... oh girls what brings you here? Need anything sweetie?" Chaeyoung asked

"Eomma, don't you have class for Ryujin and her classmates?l Chaeryeong asked

"No sweetie, me and Mrs. Kim switched class schedules already, why?" Chaeyoung asked, Lia and Yuna then went to the side so that the two could have their own provate conversation.

"Ryujin promised me that she would bring me out on a date today after class.... its been a few minutes already" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Maybe they're out in the field sweetie, we could check if they're there" Chaeyoung said and Chaeryeong nodded

They all then went to check on the field if Ryujin and the others were there and to Chaeryeong's surprise, they were.

"Oohhh they're running laps!" Yuna said and giggled, so did Lia.

Ryujin's POV

At the corner of my eye, I could see Lia unnie, Yuna, Mrs. Son and Chaeryeong watching us. Was she waiting for me? I feel so disappointed in myself for not keeping my promise to her.

"Okay, I hope you girls learn your lesson after this, I don't want any of you doing it again. UNDERSTAND?" Mrs. Kim said and all of us nodded

"Good, all of you are dismissed" Mrs. Kim added and we hurriedly run back but I went over to Chaeryeong first

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