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Right after lunch, the girls had nothing to do, well mostly Ryujin and the band but the others had some other activities to finish.

"It's so boring" Winter whine as they were all seated on the floor. They were suppose to plan on what song to cover for their next performance at school but nothing seems to come up in their heads

"Thought about something already Gi?" Winter asked

"Not quite yet" Giselle said as she was already lying down on the floor

"How about you Yeji?" Winter asked her next

"Nope, nothing.... but maybe Ryujin has one" Yeji suggested as they look at Ryujin who was scrolling through her phone

"How about we let Ryujin do a solo again?" Winter suggested.

"Again? don't you know that she doesn't have a guitar anymore Winter?" Giselle said and raised a brow at the girl

"Oh, right" Giselle said and sighed

"Hey Ryu" Yeji called the attention of the younger

"Yeah?" Ryujin asked and looked at them.

"Um, should we just head home?" Yeji asked

"Yeah sure" Ryujin simply said and grabbed her things before leaving.

"She really needs a guitar now, she's not herself" Winter said

"Should we buy her one?" Giselle asked

"I don't have much allowance left, my mom's gonna kill me" Yeji said and sighed

"Same" Winter said and they all left the practice room.


"Wow I'm stuffed" Chaeryeong said and chuckled, she and Somi just got finish with lunch

"Do you want to go shopping?" Somi suggested

"Not really today Somi but I'm saving up for something" Chaeryeong said

"Oh really? what is it?" Somi asked as they walked around the mall

"Well, I almost got assaulted a week ago and Ryujin had to use her favorite guitar to save me. She used it to hit the guys and I feel so guilty about it. I was the reason why her guitar broke" Chaeryeong said worriedly

"Oh..." Somi said

"Can you come with me to check if the guitar she wanted is on sale? I really want to give her something before our monthsary this weekend" Chaeryeong said

"Sure, Actually I know a good store here" Somi said and Chaeryeong nodded, she followed the girl to the store and once they reached the place, her eyes widened at how beautiful the instruments were.

"Good day Miss, may I help you with anything?" the lady asked as the two entered the store

"Yes, We're finding for a guitar, a really nice one actually" Somi said with a smile

"Oh, well we have this new one here" The lady said and led them to the said item

"This is our new arrival, an electric-acoustic guitar. Mostly students or those in bands purchase these kinds" the lady said with a smile

"Oh... how much would that cost?" Chaeryeong asked, worried for the allowance that she saved up

"This would be around 386,000 won miss, same goes for the other colors" The lady said

"Woah, these got expensive" Somi said and looked around

"Umm, do you have anything in brown?" Chaeryeong asked and the lady nodded

Guitar Girl | RyuryeongWhere stories live. Discover now