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The following morning the, Chaeryeong was still sound asleep, cuddling with Ryujin as her face was hidden in the crook of the older's neck.

Ryujin's arm was wrapped around the younger, keeping her more warm along with the blanket over their bodies.

Ryujin was already awake, she took the spare time to admire her girlfriends' gorgeous face. She felt so lucky to have the younger for herself, to receive the cute attention and of course how the younger would take care of her at times.

Mina and Chaeyoung weren't around anymore since they had to go to work but Mina did informed Ryujin that they would be out and if they were hungry there was food in the fridge.

Chaeyeon on the other hand went out for her private dance lessons today which made the young couple home alone.

Ryujin kept caressing the younger's hair, hoping that she would wake up in a while since she wanted to see the younger's beautiful face as she wakes up. As she was now caressing the younger's face, she touched the younger's forehead and was shocked to feel that it was hot. She touched it again to make it sure and her heart raced as she felt the younger heating up.

"Baby" Ryujin called as she gently pats the girls' arm

"Jagi, wake up" Ryujin said softly but the younger won't wake up. She was super worried, she couldn't call the younger's parents since both of them were at work. She also figured that Chaeryeong probably got sick from all of the crying last night.

Chaeryeong just hummed softly and hugged the blankets over her tightly.

Ryujin then quickly went down the bed and grab a cloth from Chaeryeong's closet, she drenched it with some cold water and squeezed the excess off. She ran back to the younger and placed the cloth on her forehead.

Ryujin wasn't really sure what Chaeryeong's parents do when the younger is sick, she didn't want to call any of them since they were busy so she called her mom instead.


"hello sweetheart? anything you need?"

"hi mom, umm... I need your help please"

"What is it Ryu?"

"Well I'm here at Aunt Mina's house and Chaeryeong suddenly got sick. She was heating up when I woke up a few minutes ago"

"Really? did you told Mina already?"

"Not yet, I'm worried that Aunt Mina is also busy with work and I don't want to disturb them"

"Okay sweetheart, I'll be there in a few minutes, keep an eye on Chaeryeong for the time being okay?"


"Okay, see you in a while"

"Yes mom, thank you"


As soon as Ryujin ended the call, she heard a soft call. She turned around and saw the younger already seated on the bed.

"Jagi" Ryujin called softly and went beside her

"You have to lay down and get some rest baby, you're sick" Ryujin said but Chaeryeong just whined

"I don't want to" Chaeryeong said and pouted

"But baby, you need to rest, so that you'll get better soon" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong suddenly sneezed

"See, you're sick jagi and you need to rest" Ryujin said and helped the younger to lay back down

"I don't like getting sick" Chaeryeong whined and Ryujin sighed

"I know I know jagi, but don't worry, we'll help you get better okay?" Ryujin said and it suddenly confused the younger

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