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"Have you seen Ryujin?" Yeji asked

"Nope, I didn't even received a message from her" Winter said

"Maybe she's busy you know" Karina said as she sat beside Winter

"Busy? That's uncanny of Ryujin to be busy. She's never busy around us and she's just probably ditching us for some other people" Yeji said and crossed her arms

"Hang on.... uncanny?" Winter asked, confused of the word that Yeji had used

"It means weird, she's been like that since I've been tutoring her literature" Lia explained and Winter nodded

"Anyways, maybe Ryujin's just doing something or maybe video calling her parents or playing with her sisters" Karina suggested and Lia agreed

"I doubt that" Giselle suddenly said and showed them her phone. Her instagram was open and she showed them a recent post of Ryujin with a girl who has a big white ribbon tied to her hair.


"She's seeing someone?!" Winter and Yeji asked in unison

"Maybe she's just a cousin" Karina said

"We know all of Ryujin's cousins and none of them where something like that" Winter said

"Do you know someone who wears ribbons like these babe?" Yeji asked Lia

"Not really, I don't seem to remember anyone who wears ribbons like that" Lia said and both Winter and Yeji nodded

"But why are the two of you so eager to know if Ryujin is seeing someone?" Giselle asked the two

"We're just curious coz she hasn't been hanging out with us for a while already and she might be seeing someone right?" Yeji said and Winter agreed

"Just let Ryujin be, she doesn't have to be with you guys all of the time. Just like Yujin, Yujin hangs out with other people sometimes" Lia said and stood up from the couch to get a drink from the fridge

"Yeah, you two are just over reacting about Ryujin not hanging out with you. It's not as if she's a baby. She's old enough to handle herself and you two might've forgot that she's the oldest and she has two younger sisters" Karina said and then joined Lia

"They do have a point" Giselle said, agreeing with the other two girls


"No buts Yeji, now come on and help me prepare lunch" Lia said and Yeji just sighed

Time Skip to the following day >>>>

"You sure about this place unnie? isn't it too..." Bae said as she looked around

"Don't question unnie's taste on dating places Bae. She definitely knows what she's doing" Yujin said as they followed their sister. They were now somewhere that will become special for both Ryujin and Chaeryeong. Ryujin did had a tough time to find for a place like this.

"It's weird that all they have here are tangerines" Bae said

"Coz it's where they grow tangerine's Bae. Just think if it as a tangerine garden" Ryujin said and chuckled

"Ahh... I want to go back home quickly, it's almost Chuseok" Yujin said

"We'll be back home soon so don't worry" Ryujin said and placed the chair where she wanted it to be

"Is 't it too boring to ask her here?" Bae asked

"No.... I'm sure she'll love this" Ryujin said and smiled softly

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