Thirty Four

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''Transient global amnesia.'' I sat with my laptop open with Soren on the speaker phone, uncomfortable on the motel's shitty bed once again.

Once I'd wrangled Riordan back into the car and drove back to the hotel, I felt like I'd kidnapped her.

She was screaming like a banshee the whole ride back, and had successfully punched the living crap out of me.

''What the hell does that mean?''

''It's a mix of anterograde and retrograde amnesia.''

''I would really appreciate if you spoke English.''

He sighs, annoyed.

''She can't remember any past memories, and probably can't form any new ones.''

''Are you kidding me?''

''No, but the reason it's called 'transient' is because it's passing. Her memory loss is just temporary.''

I frown, wondering why he sounded so...calm.  Almost as if he's seen this before.

''You don't seem the slightest bit surprised by this?''

A loud bang echoed from inside the bathroom, where I'd locked Danny in to prevent her from escaping.

Soren became silent.

''Hello? I'm not talking to a wall?''

''I know about it because it's not a new concept to me. Her on the other hand--''

''Last time I checked, you've known her for what--a couple months? I think I would know if this is a regular thing.''

''Daniel, listen. I've been Riordan's guardian for a little over a year now. Just trust me that she'll be back to normal by morning. You just have to get her to sleep.''

''You've been stalking her for a year!?''

Just the thought made me irritated as hell.

''It's my job, Daniel. I will literally get killed by the Warlocian council system if I don't.''

I sigh. Maybe I was being hard on him.

If I were threatened by death, I'd be the best stalker that damn council's ever seen.

''Dude, I can barely get her to stop beating my ass--how am I supposed to get her calm enough to fall asleep?''

''I don't know. Just do something.''

''That's seriously all you've got?''

''You're her best friend. She may not be able to remember you right now, but you know everything about her including what makes her tick, and what makes her happy. If anyone can come up with something, it's you.''

As much as I wanted to punt the guy across a lacrosse field, Soren was right. A part of me started to wonder why I was so mean to him.

It's because you see him as competition.

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