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Two hours till.

''Danny, I need you to get off my back.''

''I have no idea what you're talking about.''

''You followed us on our outing! You were supposed to meet us at my house but nooo, you just had to come.''

''You said it wasn't a date! Delayney's probably all clueless, powdering her nose in the bathroom right now.''

''Okay, well I lied, I was trying to get to know her better!''

I felt a pang of guilt work its way around my stomach. As much as I wanted to say I came along because I wanted to monitor Delayney, I truthfully can't. I didn't want Thor to be on a date with anyone.

They decided to grab a bite at some off-putting diner established in the 80s and I would've remembered the name of it, but I was too busy monitoring how friendly Delayney was being with Thor.

''She's probably weirded out by me now.'' Thor sulks.

I check the time in an attempt squash the urge to roll my eyes.

''It's getting closer.''

''What is?''

''Delayney's time of death.''

Subtle, Riordan.

''Oh. But from what I see, she seems to be in a good mood. Chipper, even.''

''Well, a lot of suicidal people tend to have a burst of energy before taking their lives. They feel a warranted amount of relief.''

Thor squints at me like I've said something wrong.

''That could be one explanation. Or, maybe your vision was all wrong?''

I had no idea if I was wrong or not. The only way to know was to see it through.

''I'm getting sick of hearing that as a possibility.''

Thor scoffs and throws his head back like I'd told him a joke.

''Oh, like it's not possible? What made you so 'high and mighty' all of a sudden?''

''I am not 'high and mighty'! And why the hell are you being so pissy?''

''Maybe I'm pissed because you can't make up your damn mind." He mumbles.

''About fucking what!?''

''About who you want!"

Before I could even ask what he meant, Delayney approached the table and took a seat.

''Sorry, I took long. I had to powder my nose.''


Thor drove us back home with Delayney riding shotgun while I silently observed them from the back.

Delayney wasn't in her usual attire; she dressed to impress today. She ditched her usual black netted clothing and opted for vibrant pink florals.

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