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The sound of snapping was what I heard first. Then the smell of cleaning solution and hand sanitizer.

My eyelids were heavy and crusted shut--my limbs aching to be repositioned. I forced my eyes open, feeling the burn of my lids separating and the sharp pain of my eyes adjusting to the fluorescent lights right above me.

''Thank fuck, she's awake. Nurse!''

I sit up too fast, wincing from the pain dwindling around my head and my tender abdomen.

''Whoa-- take it easy, speedy, we think you have a concussion.'' I knew it was Thor talking, but my eyes weren't working with me. He was a blurred image.

I survey the room and look at my left hand which had an IV in it.

I'm in a hospital.

''Does my Dad know I'm here?'' I lay back and relaxed. I felt like pure and utter shit.

''He's in the cafeteria getting us some food.''

My eyes water as I start to recall how I got here. At least my memory is intact.

''We didn't stop them.''

''I know. Scooch.''

Thor gets into the hospital bed with me and cradles me in his chest.

''My first failed attempt in a long time.'' A pretty brunette in burgundy scrubs hastily walks into the room and immediately starts checking my vitals. ''I'm happy to see you awake, Riordan. My name is Cecilia Burke. I'm your nurse.''

''Hello. Thank you.''

''It's my pleasure. It looks like you have a mild concussion from whiplash. I take it that someone wasn't very kind to both of you?'' I blink fast attempting to clear my blurry vision.

''Yeah. A little party dispute is all.'' Thor mumbles and Cecilia nods.

''Your blood pressure looks pretty good. So does your heart rate. We're waiting on Dr. Reveres to review all of your scans, but taking the first glance at them, I can tell that you'll be just fine in a couple of days.''

She hands me a Kleenex box from a cabinet in the room and walks away.

As soon as she was gone, I turn to Thor who nudges me. ''What do you think is going to happen on Monday?''

For the first time in my life, I had no idea. We were too late, and as a result, my dream would come true but that's as much as I knew. I couldn't think about the aftermath Caleb's death would have on the school besides people talking endlessly about it.

I couldn't even bring myself to consider the rumors that'll be passed around once videos of the party surface on the internet.

''No matter what happens, everything will be okay. I know you're probably beating yourself up over how you could've done something different to stop them both from getting in that car. We didn't have a plan--we were just as helpless as they were.''

''Bullshit! I don't believe that we were all helpless in that situation. I knew what was going to happen--and so did you, which gave us the upper hand. We could've stopped it, dammit! I always know how to stop it!''


''I'm not used to failing at saving people. My lack of preparation cost a student his life and another her ability to walk on two feet ever again. DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT THIS WILL HAVE ON THEIR FAMILIES ?''

By now Thor had pulled me closer into his chest. My venom was boiling. This was all my fault and I knew screaming at my best friend wouldn't help the problem.

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