Twenty Nine

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''You're grounded?!'' Thor yells.

"Mhmm. I'm not allowed to do anything but go to school, practice and come home for the next month." I cradle my phone in between my shoulder and ear, while trying to brush my teeth with one hand, and searching for my contacts with the other.

"How'd Christian take it when he woke up?"

''Not well. He was thoroughly convinced he was kidnapped."

"Well...I mean he was."

"Okay yeah but how dare he question me when I'm trying to convince him we got drunk and went back to mine until he passed out?"

Thor's laugh booms through the receiver.

"I'm pretty sure he'd know if he got hammered with someone that looked like you."

I spit into the sink. "What does that mean?"

"Danny. Come on, you're not exactly hideous. If I were him and got shitfaced with you, I'd remember it and it would probably be the best moment of my life. Theoretically, speaking."

I roll my eyes as if he could see me. Grabbing a cup from the counter, I fill it up and take a swig, swishing out my mouth.

As I set the cup down, I notice a red mark wrapping around my wrist. I subconsciously rub it, wincing at how tender it is.

"Did you at least explain why you guys got 'shitfaced'?

How could I possibly think straight after that interaction with Phoenix last night? Coming up with an excuse was far from my mind at that point.

"No, not...really."

I briefly check my room, feeling like I'm forgetting something important.

"Well, no wonder he's skeptical of you. You're a terrible liar."

"Either way, my Dad forced me to drive Christian back home. His mom was so worried about him."

"I bet. Also, are you gonna be done anytime soon? We're gonna miss first period at this rate."

"I'm quite surprised you haven't left yet." Once I rinse my mouth and give up on searching for my contacts, I grab my glasses off the bathroom counter and pad downstairs.

"If I had a penny for every time I've waited for your ass in your driveway, I'd be filthy rich."

A smile tugged at my lips. He was always patient with me to a certain extent.

"I'll be out in two seconds!"

I hang up and shove my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

It was finally Solaris' rainy season. Every day this month was expected to be overcast and cool. The cool weather offered more comfort to me than the sweltering heat of summer. Something about the color grey covering the sky spoke with finality. When you see it, you know it's gonna be around for a while.

Before I leave, I grab my Dad's navy blue hoodie off the couch along with a banana and bolt out the door.

Thor was leaning against his truck with his arms crossed and one leg over the other.

His eyes widen as I approached him.

"Sorry for the wait."

He analyzes my face, then a little lower. His gaze made me uneasy all of a sudden, like I was about to reprimanded for something I'd done wrong.

It had been a while since I wore my dark rimmed glasses. He was probably suffering from the Clark Kent effect--where no one seems to recognize he's Superman just because he throws on a pair of specs and ruffles his hair.

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