Twenty Three

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"In the quiet town of Solaris, where the sun is bright and its people are brighter, a sense of darkness fell on the community Halloween night. Six-year-old Amalia Linklater, the youngest child of the town's beloved mayor, vanished without a trace on the evening of October 31st. Standing at just 3 feet 11 inches, with neck-length jet-black hair, Amalia was a bright and beloved spark in the community, many residents describing her as a sweet and energetic soul."

I loved Halloween.

I pitied her. That was every kids favorite time of year besides Christmas.

She gestured for me to keep reading so I continue.

"Her sudden and mysterious abduction has shaken the tight-knit town of Solaris to its core. As the days pass with no sign of Amalia, the once-peaceful town is now filled with worry and despair. The mayor and the entire town are united in their desperate search for Amalia, hoping and praying for her safe return home."

"Look, Riordan." Martie points out a blurb underneath a photo of Amalia's beaming face.

I frown.

What is it?

"It says the last place you were seen was on the Cyrus Dean playground. You were trick-or- treating with your brother in the vicinity when you ran off and he couldn't find you. Do you remember any of that?"

No, I don't think so.

Thor gets out of his chair and starts pacing.

"Amalia said she doesn't remember trick-or-treating that night."

"She had to have been abducted. It was probably traumatizing for her—I don't blame her for not recalling anything at all about that night." Thor says.

"But not even something as fun as trick-or-treating? If anything, that would be the only thing I'd remember from a traumatic Halloween night."

"Riordan's right, Thor. You're likely to store positive memories than negative ones. She should've remembered being at Cyrus."

"Why would anyone lie about seeing her trick-or-treating, though? It just doesn't add up."

I do remember being here. But I never got candy.

What? Why were you here, then?

Something about a "check-in". My mom had to come in so I came with her and Phoenix to say hi to some teachers.

I put the two and two together. "Parent-teacher interviews. She was here because they couldn't leave her at home alone."

"Is that what she just told you?" Thor asks.

I nod. This was the first time I ever acted as a medium between people. Marvallia must've felt so much pressure having to relay back and forth from the dead to the living. It was her career at one point.

What happened after parent teacher interviews?

Amalia shrugs and I exhale forcefully. I felt her presence suddenly disappear, confused as to why she didn't say goodbye.

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