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"Please don't be mad."

"You lied to me, Riordan! That's not what we do!"

"How was I supposed to approach you knowing you could've killed her?"

"I have no interest whatsoever in Delayney Millridge! You could've just told me right away!"

"I'm sorry, okay?"

Thor seethes and sits down in one of the library chairs.

I decided on skipping second period to talk about the approach we take with Delayney.

"She's my lab partner. We're supposed to hang out tomorrow at my place to figure out our presentation on pendulum theory."

"What're you supposed to do for your project exactly?"

"Demonstrate pendulum theory with household items."

I prop my elbows on the table and support my chin.

"You need to find a new partner."

"What!? Delayneys one of the smartest kids in class—I would be missing out on a solid A if I give her up as a partner!"

"I have no interest in Delayney Millridge, whatsoever!" I mimic Thor.

"I do not sound like that. And I meant what I said! I have no interest in her enough to want to murder her!"

"I'll be your partner."

"You don't take physics, Danny."

"Thor, Delayneys life is riding on this project! It's either she dies tomorrow in your room, or you find another partner."


"What do you mean, you can't?"

"I'm on academic probation from Wallace."

"The Principal put you on academic probation? What the fuck did you do!?"

"Flunk all my classes last term. Cyrus is competitive and my grades have been shit. One more bad grade and I could be saying goodbye to Cyrus."

"And you're mad at ME for not telling you things?"

"No, you blatantly lied to me—withholding information is completely different."

"You jerk! I could've helped you study all this time! How long have you been on probation?"

"Since this new term started."

I glare at him and he sighs.

"I kind of need Delayney. Wallace also assigned her to be my tutor for physics."

How perfect.

"You know what, tomorrow night, I'm coming over to study with you guys. I'm gonna be there from start to finish."


"No buts! If this is the only way I can save that girls life, so be it."




"That's an hour after school ends. Why not just immediately after?"

Thor pauses.

"We're gonna grab a bite to eat beforehand."

Thor stays silent and my stomach gets a slight twinge of pain.

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