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My heart's beating incredibly fast.

Almost like my chest and stomach were vibrating.


I shoot up so fast, I hit my head on something hard. ''Motherfucker!''

''What the--'' I blink away my disorientation and realize I'm underneath a bed.

No, no, no.

My chest vibrates again and I panic, discovering my phone is ringing. Thor.

He's going to kill me.

He's going to lecture me like a miscreant's mother.

Taking a deep breath, I click green.

''Thor, listen--''

''You fell asleep, didn't you.''

Pause. Straight to the point.

''Yeah. I did.''

''I called you seven times, Danny. I was so fucking worried about you.''


''Don't 'Thor' me, I was thinking you got roofied, or worse, died of alcohol poisoning or some shit!''

''I'm sorry.''

Thor exhaled forcefully.

''Did you...have a dream?''


''Uh, no. I didn't.''

''Are you...sure?''


''Yeah, I must've fallen asleep just after midnight.''

''Okay. I'm coming to get you right now.'' I hear his keys jingle in the background and a door swing open.

''You don't even have the address!''

''Everyone knows where Phoenix Linklater lives. It's not news.''

Oh crap.

Phoenix. He probably thought I left.

''Just be careful on the road. No speeding on my account.''

''Oh, I'll be speeding on my own accord, don't you worry.''

''Thor, I mean it.''

''Whatever, get dressed.''

''Why do you assume I'm naked?''

''Oh, please, I've seen the googly eyes you give Phoenix Linklater.''

''What? I do not have a thing for him.''

''Never said you did. Just commented on how you look at him.''

''And also just implied that I slept with him!''

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