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''Homecoming's coming up and I need every single one of you on deck this week. Every day after school as usual, don't be late.''

The team was sprawled out on the school's lawn, dying from the heat the afternoon had blessed us with.

Coach Crosse gestured for the team to take a warmup lap and I immediately sensed he'd call my name.

''Except for you, Roach!'' Arms crossed and domineering as always.

''It's Roche, sir.''

''That's what I said. I need to know if you're all in. You seem sluggish lately and I need a strategist captain that doesn't look like she's been working in a sweatshop after simply stretching.''

''I am. I'm just...''

Amalia appears behind Coach Crosse and starts making silly faces at me.

''Just what?''

I try my best to keep a straight face and fail miserably. ''Just nothing.''

''Is this funny to you, Roche? I'm gonna bust your ass this week if you don't try hard.''

''I will captain, I promise.'' He nods and Amalia mimics him.

''Since I coach both the boy's and girl's rugby teams, I'll be having a meeting with all the captains and co-captains after school, so stick around, will you?''

Amalia does the jig and I giggle slightly.

''Is there something on my forehead? What are you so happy about?''

''Nothing, I was clearing my throat.''

''Right. I want you, Stacey, Glenn and Phoenix in my office immediately after practice. I've already informed them but if you see any of the captains in the halls, give them a little reminder.''

Oh, God.

I nod, slightly nervous all of a sudden.

It somehow skipped my mind that Phoenix was the captain of the boy's rugby team. I haven't messaged him since we last saw each other at the party and frankly, I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk to him.

Thinking about him made my heart beat fast and not just the one in my chest.

''Three laps. Go.''

''Three!? Everyone else gets to do one!''

''Make it four for complaining.''

I groan and start running.

''Why do you always pick the worst time to appear.''

''Worst time? Seeing Coach Crosse torment you is my favorite part of the day.''

''Real funny.''

''It really is. Anyway, I need your help.''

''Oh God, what now?''

''I didn't give you this much attitude when I helped you break the code to your Mom's journal.''

I roll my eyes and try my best to catch my breath. I wanted her to be wrong so badly but she was right. I owe her.

''Okay, what is it.''

''I would like to know how I died.''

I slow down to a jog, winded. ''Amalia--''

''I know, I know. It's a lost cause but it's been on my mind lately.''

''Why's it been on your mind?''

''I want to know if I deserved it.''

''Nobody deserves to die, Amalia.''

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