Mr. Puzzles... accountment

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Author's note: Happy April fool's day! And yes, this story isn't canon, but the sorceress and Mr. puzzles hating each other is. (Along with the reasoning why)


Smg4 got a ping on his phone. The blueberry man pulled out his gun- I mean phone and looked.

There was a new video posted. He clicked on it.

"I've come to make an accountment!" The Tv man said. "The sorceress is a bitch as motherfucker! She pissed on my fucking wife and now I'm going to fuck the earth!"

Apparently, the Tv man was broadcasting this everywhere, in every single city, in every single neighbor, at this time of day, at this time of year, localized entirely in your kitchen.

"But wait! There's more!" The Tv man said, as an unflattering picture of the sorceress showed up. She was carrying a ton of snack bags from looks like a broken vending machine.  "This bitch ruined my shows, spoiled my crops and poisoned my water supply!!!" 

Suddenly, the broadcast was interrupted by... the sorceress herself!

"Attention do NOT listen to the man with the square TV head called Mr. Puzzles, as he is a bitch as pussy that gets others to do his evil bidding instead of himself!"

It cut back to Tv man... or uh... Mr. Puzzles. "Don't listen to her! She kicks puppies and doesn't know what a cellphone is!"

It cuts back to her. "Don't listen to him! He doesn't even know my name!"

The screen is now spilt in the middle, with Mr. Puzzles on the left and the Sorceress on the right.

"She tried to end the world trying to summon some God that doesn't exist!" Mr. Puzzles seethed, brisling in anger.

The Sorceress laughed. "You're just jealous that I was able to reach the divine plain and reach the great divine one... and the God box."

Smg4, who was still watching this unfold in real time, magically got a can of soda and did a spit take. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"Also..." The Sorceress appeared right in front of Mr. Puzzles, leaving her place on the right empty. "You have no wife or no bitches!" She smiled sweetly at him.

Mr. Puzzles was fuming "OH YOU MOTHERF-"

The screen changed to a "We'll be right back" before he could finish his sentence.

Four stared at his phone. "Well.... that just happened."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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