Chapter 9 Akima clan's True nature

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Where am I? I was just now in the forest of death. What is this place? Wherever I see there is only a complete void. I walked through the infinite void. If someone had used a genjutsu on me, I would've known by now. This feels too real to be a genjutsu. I walked for a long time until I heard a some voices. I ran towards the voices. I was surprised to see my village before it was destroyed. I entered the village and saw the peaceful sight of people going on about their daily lives. I saw woman talking with eachother in the streets. I walked some more and came across a park. The same park I used to come to play with my friends. I saw some kids playing on the swings. Some were playing tag. Some were busy talking with eachother.

My legs moved on their own. I found myself in front of my old home. I entered my home. It was like a wave of nostalgia run over me. My home was something what you expect from head of clan. It had a small training area in the back. It had many rooms. As I was going through the house. I heard some voices in the training area. I made my way over there. What I saw surprised me. I saw my father teaching my sister sword fighting. My father was sparring with my sister. They were sparring for quite sometime. Suddenly he turned towards me. He gave me a smile.

Itsuki: "You wanna train with me too Y/n?" Could he actually see me? Ever since I entered the village, no one seem to notice me. I tried talking with them but they ignored me like I wasn't even there. As I made my way over to him. I suddenly morphed into my young self.

Young Y/n: "Yes dad. Please train me too."

Itsuki: "Okay kiddo. Let's spar."

As we began to spar. My sister made her way to my mom who sitting nearby. My sister sat beside her. I don't know how long has it been since I saw my mom smile. I got distracted by that and my father used the opportunity to strike me straight in the guts. He held back alot, but still it hurt me alot.

Itsuki: "C'mon Y/n. Keep your focus on me."

Young Y/n: "I'm sorry father."

Itsuki: "It's fine. Let's continue shall we?"

Young Y/n: "Yes father."

Soon we began to spar again. We went on for quite some time, But I was very weak in my childhood. I couldn't land a single blow on my father. After getting struck again, I fell down and was breathing heavily. Soon my father approached me.

Itsuki: "What's this Y/n? You couldn't land a single blow on me."

Young Y/n: "I'm sorry father." Strange. I never heard my father talk like that.

I lifted my head only to find myself back in my older self. I looked around, I was shocked to find myself in the middle of the street. I was just in my house. What happened next shocked me even more. My village was getting attacked. I saw my people running around in fear. Shinobi from the different village were chasing them. Just like before the people didn't seem to notice me. They even run close by me. I picked myself and ran towards my home. As soon as I entered it. I saw my mom and dad laid there in the pool of their own blood. I went a little closer only to find my father still alive. As I picked him up in my arms, he said something to me.

Itsuki: "Y/n....... Why weak.......? We........died...........because you...........were too..........weak to...........protect us. You let...........Akari down" As he said I saw my hand covered in their blood. Soon the world around me began to collapse.

I was back in the shelter along with squad 7. I have been having that kind of dream alot lately. My past is still haunting me. It seem that morning had finally arrived. I tried to move but I felt a weight on my lap. I saw Sakura using my lap as a pillow. I guess she moved from my shoulder to my lap. I looked at Naruto and Sasuke. They were still unconscious. I should get some medicinal herbs for them and something for them to eat.

Plagued by death (Naruto X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن