Chapter 2 The formation of squad 7

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Yo I am back I really am glad some people saw my story and two guys even voted it. So I really wanna thank Dragon125 and Rfoxsir for that. Not only those two but everyone who read it i really appreciate you reading it. I hope you will enjoy this one. With that being said, Let's get to it.

So the day starts with Naruto walking towards the academy with a big smile on his face. Why you ask? Simple he was just excited to go on his first mission.

When he reached the academy he sat down in his seat. Just then he saw shikamaru approach him.

Shikamaru: "Hey there Naruto."

Naruto: "Hey shikamaru how are you?"

Shikamaru: "I'm fine so you excited for you first mission?"

Naruto: "I know right. I am on fire right now. I can't wait to be a full fledged ninja. Believe it."

Shikamaru: "Ok Ok settle down jeez. Sometimes you act such a child." Shikamaru had a bored expression as usual.

Just then the doors to the classroom swung open. Revealing a girl with pink hair and a girl with blond hair.
Ino and Sakura were panting as if they just run the whole way here. Why were they running? Because they had sort of rivalry since childhood.

Both: "I'M FIRST."

Ino: "what are you saying forehead I reached here first."

Sakura: "Don't drag my forehead into this also I reached here 0.5 seconds that you do."

They both were arguing with eachother. Then from the corner of the eyes they spotted someone. The person they spotted was none other than the younger son of fugaku uchiha, sasuke uchiha.

Sakura: "Good morning sasuke."

Ino: "hey sasuke good morning."

Sasuke just looked at both of them and looked away. If you didn't knew by now sasuke was a bit popular among the girls. Scratch that not a bit he was alot popular.

Naruto: "why does every girl in class is so infatuated with this guy? He just tries to act cool." Naruto thought when  as he was having a stare down sasuke.

" Naruto thought when  as he was having a stare down sasuke

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Sakura: "Naruto! What are you doing? Get away from sasuke."

Ino: "Yeah get away from him."

Random girls: "yeah what she said."

Just then someone bumped Naruto on the back and Naruto was pushed forward towards sasuke. But Before their lips could touch each other's a card flew in-between their lips. So Naruto was kissing one side of the card and sasuke had his lips connected to the other side of the card. Both of them backed up being grateful thing that was inevitably gonna happen didn't happen. Everyone turned to face the one who threw the card. Y/n was leaning against a wall. He had face covered by his mask. He had his eyes closed. As if he was thinking about something. he also had his dad's sword on his back. Naruto rushed to his saviour.

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