Flying and kidnapping

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A few days later after drama and ballet.

Carmilla had been noticing her daughter fluttering her gray wings more and more often in the last few months. As if ready for take off in the sky, but hesitating, like she was inadvertently afraid they wouldn't hold her weight. Hopping along the ground as they flapped behind her to yeet herself into her mother's arms when she got home from work or meetings.


Now Carmilla finds herself on the roof of the mansion holding toddler Vaggie. I can't believe I'm going yeet my daughter off the roof."

"I brought the nets!" Zestial said on the ground, in a cheery tone, shaking said spider made net for emphasis behind him is Clara and odette with their own nets.

"Alright kiddo," she leans her forward just enough that now she's only really supporting her with a hand on her chest. leaning flat, her shivering might just be because she's cold or because she's nervous, but Carmilla can tell she's actively controlling the fluttering now. Maybe not enough to fly properly, but enough to keep her upright he thinks, "See if we can get you flying over to zestial. Can you give me a little more?"

Her daughter's little nod is determined as she presses hard enough that her feathers brush her arm a little when she flaps them. "I'm going to let go now, ok?"

"No mama!"

A stutter in her wings. Fear, hesitation when she hears her mother say this. "You'll be okay, little angel."

"I can't believe i ,let Lucifer talk me into this." Carmilla yeets her daughter in the air and counts the seconds. One, two, three wing , fourth and fifth wings beats.

"Okay." Vaggie says finally in the air, after a moment of thought. She's getting a little more comfortable flapping her wings properly, the beats becoming a little more rhythmic, "I got it mama! I did—

Vaggie's wings eventually get tired, fall out of the sky and crashed on zestiel's hat flattened it while odette and Clara accidentally smacked into each other trying to catch their little sister in a net.


It was midnight and not a creature was making a sound....except for Velvette standing over vaggie's crib.

She was standing next to a crib, from where she could just barely spy a tuft of short white hair.

Little Vaggie.

Then she saw something that chilled her to the bones. small shadows, almost solid in appearance, were twisting above the crib in an unmistakable line of fashion.

Heart pounding in her chest, as small black spiders jumped on her face and makes her scream, loud pretty much waking everyone in the mansion up.

Golden eyes staring back up at her in curiosity.

"Haha... Okay... I..." velvette started, in a bit of disbelief. She picked up the bundle and the baby immediately started to cry out at the disturbance. She tried talking to little Vaggie out of fear and hope of quieting the angel down.

"Shush! Go back to sleep! bad baby!" She whispered loudly, which only made the baby more upset and Velvette nervously start to rock back and forth. Velvette looked behind herself warily to find Carmilla standing right behind her.

"Who are you and what are your intentions—

Velvette introduces herself. "I'm Velvette! and I'm backbone of the Vees!!!!!!"

Carmilla cracks a smile. "You're the backbone? If you were the WISHBONE, I'd have Odette at one end and Clara at the other end and make them PULL YOU APART!!!!!"

Vox appears climbing up the window. "technically little lady ,you're not the leader and second you're supposed to be silently kidnapping a—

"Spit it out! What do you want?" Carmilla bit out harshly. She was powerless. If she decided to harm Velvette with her attacks, especially since she couldn't even touch her because of little Vaggie in the way.

Velvette lifted her hands in defense as if to say that she wasn't a threat. Her eyes were wide with an unknown emotion and her mouth was parted as if in surprise. "This is all a misunderstanding!" she blurted out.

"You tried to steal my daughter and you call it a misunderstanding?" Carmilla growled out.

Velvette waved her hands around a bit helplessly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! It just happened!"

"It just happened," Carmilla repeated in disbelief. "And I suppose believe this bullshit! You little drama queens!"

Vox relaxed slightly at her earnest expression. His next words startled a nervous expression.
"Or please take her back. I'm not good with babies, this was a stupid idea for views for me, Velvette wanted to train her to be a soldier against the exterminators and valentino wanted her to work for him as a porn star when she turns 18–

Carmilla glares at them. "Are you both done rambling before I throw you both out the window?!"

Vaggie saw her mother angry and knew that it was time to make a break for it by biting Velvette's hand.

"Ouch you little bitch!" Velvette winced dropping Vaggie to the floor and the crying little angel took the opportunity to fly away out the window in fright.

The next thing Velvette and vox knew is that they were yeeted out the window by an angry Carmilla as the sound of the Exorcist's clock tower rang.

On the ground a small group of civilians were gathered around looking at vox and Velvette were painfully laying across valentino'a car

valentino sighs. "Alright you two, we need to get out of here before the exterminators show up?!"


Request for
Xellos_Makuzo Carmilla teaching baby Vaggie to fly , just YEETING a fledging Vaggie

Oops I left a cliffhanger again and little Vaggie is alone and afraid! Here comes the flaming pitchforks, see you all next time

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