11 Coffee and French toast

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Roman POV

After we had both got ready for the night, we lay in bed together. I immediately pulled Kate into my arms and sighed contentedly. Everything about this felt so right.

"Man, this is one comfortable bed... You really have to tell me who makes those new sheets. I need them for myself too." I mumbled with my eyes closed as I slowly stroked her back with my fingers.

I was really glad that we had cleared the air between us. I realized how hard it must have been for Kate to tell me this particular story. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my blood boil.

Everything in me wanted to make this guy pay for what he had done to her. But then... what if that hadn't happened? Definitely we wouldn't be here.

"I have great connections... I can get you some. You just have to tell me what size you need." she breathed almost asleep.

"There's time for that. Go to sleep now, baby girl. And sweet dreams." I replied and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

I didn't get an answer. She had already fallen asleep. Snuggled up to my side with her head on my chest. I couldn't help but notice how perfectly she nestled against me. Almost as if she was made for it.

I breathed in deeply and the scent of her shampoo filled my nose. It was already oddly familiar. Hopefully we would make it work. Because the feeling I had about Kate from the start... That it could be her... the one... grew stronger with every minute I spent with her.

And I didn't need to fool myself. The guys were right when they said I was in love. I was. And I knew Kate had feelings for me too. Maybe even the same, but she wasn't ready for it yet. I could wait, I would wait.

It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep too. I couldn't remember the last time it had been so easy for me to relax and fall asleep quickly. Normally my head was always spinning with countless thoughts and worries and stress that had built up over the day.

The next morning I was woken up by the loud singing of birds. It was such a cliché, almost like something out of a fairy tale. But I couldn't deny that there was something about it.

And I couldn't help but notice how Kate's hand had slipped under my shirt and I could now feel her warm touch on my bare skin. I wondered if she was really still asleep... Okay... Focus, Reigns. She told you she needed more time.

As if she could read my mind, she rolled onto her other side at that very moment. What do I do now, I asked myself. It didn't take long for an idea to come to me.

I slipped out of bed as quietly as I could, went into the kitchen and set about making us a nice breakfast. Most of what I needed was easy to find after we had cooked together last night.

The coffee began to fill the air with its aroma as I flipped the French toast in the pan. Not knowing how Kate liked hers best, I placed several options on the tray. Cinnamon-sugar, maple syrup, butter, some berries.

When everything was ready, I went back into the bedroom where Kate was still sleeping peacefully. I quietly put the tray on the bedside table before lying back down next to her.

"Good morning, sunshine. Wake up, Katie.... Breakfast is ready..." I said gently and brushed some hair from her forehead.

"Hmmmm.... mmmmh... good morning, Ro..." she breathed, reaching a hand up to my face.

Kate stroked my cheek before pulling me to her. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips and then a small one on the nose.

"You really made breakfast?" she wanted to know sleepily.

"Yes... French toast. I hope you like it." I replied.

"Oh very much so. You better be careful or I'll never let you go again, Mister." she then said.

"Well you certainly won't hear me complaining." I replied with a smirk.

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