7 What I need to know

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Roman POV

Staring at my phone, I passed the time until the show started. Just seeing her beautiful face was enough to put a smile on my face. If only it wasn't for the feeling of unease. That gnawing, the headache that had been bugging me since Kate said she had to tell me something.

"Hi big guy. How are you? What are you doing?" Jey asked as he plopped down on the sofa next to me.

"Just watching some YouTube to pass the time." I replied without lifting my eyes.

"Yeah, but what are you watching? What kind of girly stuff is that?" he wanted to know as he glanced at the video I was watching.

I could understand his confusion. After all, I wasn't the type to usually watch content about makeup. I just wanted to hear Kate's voice.

"Westmore Living. Kate's channel." I replied curtly so I could quickly refocus on the video.

"What are we doing?" we heard Jimmy ask from the doorway.

"Apparently we're watching makeup and hair videos like 16 year olds now. Just kidding... Roman here is pining over his new girlfriend's channel." his brother replied.

"Oh so it's official now? Good for you Uce!" Jimmy said and also took a look at the display.

"It's not. We just had one date. And then later that night she told me on the phone that there was something she needed to tell me, but that she didn't want to do it until the next time we saw each other. I have a bad feeling about this," I explained.

"What, but... What could it be? Was the date that bad?" Jey wanted to know.

"No... Apart from the restaurant fucking up the reservation, it was a perfect evening. There were just one or two things that left me wondering. I really like her, but I feel like she's keeping secrets," I said.

"What kind of things?" Jimmy asked as he took my phone and paused the video so I had to focus on the two of them.

"Well.... at first I just noticed that she has a ring mark on the ring finger of her left hand. At first I didn't think anything of it... but at the end of the evening she basically told me that she didn't want to fall in love with me.

At that moment I just thought that she had had bad experiences in a previous relationship... But the more I thought about her behavior and her words... Well..." I said.

"You think she's married? Bro... I don't think that's true," Jimmy replied.

"Why do you think that? It sure as hell sounds like it, doesn't it? The last thing I want to do is stay away from her, but if she is, then that's what I have to do. Why did I have to kiss her? That made everything so much worse," I explained, rubbing my face with my hands in frustration.

"You're working yourself up too much. Just ask her. It's a simple yes or no question. Then you can talk about what she wants to tell you. Let me ask you something. How many of her videos have you watched in the last few days? Any word on that? A hint? Anything? Don't beat yourself up over nothing," Jimmy then said.

"No, but she told me that she never reveals much private information about her family and friends to protect their privacy. Maybe she does the same with information about her love life.

It's just... I had a really good feeling. And now I'm questioning everything," I replied.

"Because you like her! You said yourself that she could be the one. Don't ruin your chances by assuming something that might not be true," said Jey.

The two of them left a short time later, leaving me alone with my thoughts. But they were right about one thing. It was a simple question that Kate could answer with one word.

If she wasn't, I couldn't wait to see her again. But if the answer was yes... Then I would end any contract here and now.

I dialed her number and waited impatiently for her to answer. It only rang twice, but it seemed like an eternity.

"Hi Roman... Are you all right? Haven't heard much from you in the last few days..." she said, sounding quite sad.

"Hey Kate... Yeah sorry... I've been pretty busy... Say, can I ask you a question I should have asked you a long time ago?" I replied.

"Sure, go ahead." she said.

"Are you married or in a relationship? You just have to answer yes or no. That's all I need to know," I said, even though I was afraid of the answer.

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