Chapter XVI

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Friday Night

Malachi and Landon sat quietly in the alpha's car as he drove nearly three hours away to the outskirts of the city. Each hour seemed to drag on longer than the first as the GPS showed them slowly approaching their destination.

Quiet R&B music filled the silence as they drove down long stretches of road through large empty fields, over bridges and through tunnels until they reached a dense forest that seemed to never end.

Throughout the entire car ride Landon's anxiety kept creeping up on him. It slowly gnawed at his nerves causing him to constantly shift in his seat and rub his stomach as ways to cope with the uneasy feelings.

Malachi would reassure him that it would be okay to calm him down but it didn't last long as the omega ran through hundreds of scenarios in his mind that did not end well.

Question after question popped up. Would Arthur like the omega? Would he blatantly disapprove of him upon seeing him or talking to him? Who he give the omega a chance? Would he tell Malachi that he couldn't be with omega? All these questions and more ran through his mind at a mile a minute.

The duo finally arrived at the villa as Malachi turned onto a gravel road that led to a closed gate. Up a steel hill Landon could see the large villa in the distance.

The alpha pulled up to the gate and the grand steel gates began to open.

Malachi drove up the old brick road for a few minutes, the enormous house getting closer with each passing second.

They had finally arrived at the villa.

As they pulled up someone was already waiting for them outside at the bottom of the steps of the home.

Malachi parked the car and got out, leaving the driver's door open and keys inside as he went to open Landon's door.

The man that was waiting at the bottom of the stairs entered the car and drove off with it as Landon and Malachi stood in front of that massive French style home.

It was a gorgeous cream two story mansion with large windows with gray shutters.

On the second floor every window had outdoor window boxes overflowing with flowers and ivy. The two stone columns at the bottom of the stairs were slowly being overtaken by the ivies that grew up the column trying to reach the top.

Landon rubbed his stomach as he took in the home and everything around him.

There was so much greenery. Giant bushes shaped like deer and other animals, massive trees that swayed gently in the breeze, the sound of running water from the stone fountain that sat in the center of the driveway.

Most homes of this size that were built in such dense forest usually had the nature around it cut down but not this villa. It incorporated the nature around it into the design and atmosphere of the home.

The forest was almost like a blanket that surrounded the home. The high bushes and tall trees were natural fences and curtains.

It was secluded, nearly invisible. It was one of those places that you had to know it was there to find. Even the gravel road up to the gate was very unassuming.

Malachi took Landon by the hand, intertwining their fingers tightly as he led the omega up the steps to the beautiful French doors.

The alpha didn't need to knock as the door opened and an older woman with short gray hair cut in a blunt bob stood in the foyer of the home to greet the men with a small army of men and women lined up at either side of the entrance.

"Malachi, it's been a long time." The older woman said with a gentle smile as the men approached.

"Not long enough, Mabel." Malachi replied to the woman, "there's a reason I don't visit the villa on my own accord."

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