Chapter IX

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Trigger Warning: Attempted SA

2 Months Later (Mid Mar.)

Two months flew by quicker than Landon expected. The omega found himself spending more time at Malachi's home. The alpha lived one city over from the university but Landon could still commute to and from without any issues.

Landon avoided Timothy like the plague as much as he could while on campus. He limited their in person interactions, only talking about academics. When Timothy tried to talk about other subjects the omega would shut him down.

He sat in the back of the auditorium now and when classes would dismiss and students had questions he would answer them as swiftly as he could before slipping out with the other students before Timothy could get to him.

Once Landon's office hours were over and he did what he needed to do for the day he left campus immediately.

Due to midterms both he and Timothy were swamped with constant student meetings making it nearly impossible to meet up without it causing issues with Landon's own studies and encroaching on his personal life.

Malachi and Landon got closer over the two months.

Landon opened up about his previous relationship with Timothy; how the beta cheated on him and Landon let him out of desperation, low self esteem and zero self respect.

Malachi revealed why he and his brother weren't close. How the older alpha made sport of ruining Malachi's romantic relationships. The way his brother made it a point to sleep with Malachi's lovers and watch the fallout of his actions. Landon thought it was ironic that Malachi's older brother was named Kane and all he did was constantly betray his younger brother.

Landon saw Malachi's softer side as they spent more time together, how the alpha enjoyed cooking and had a sweet tooth; but he also saw his more violent side. Malachi had a scary temper, he tried not to lose his cool in front of Landon but when he did it scared the omega. Landon felt like he was watching the Hulk, except Malachi had a little bit of self control, emphasis on little.

It didn't take long for Malachi to discover that Landon was a TA for Timothy.

Knowing that the omega was working with the man that cheated on him didn't sit well with the alpha, especially after what he saw on their date a couple months ago.

Without Landon's knowledge Malachi had Timothy looked into, it was for peace of mind and ammunition should the beta step out of line.

Malachi wasn't planning on using the information unless he needed to.


Landon lounged around Malachi's penthouse bored as he flipped through various channels while sipping wine in the living room. Malachi was supposed to be spending the day with the omega but got called into a last minute meeting that he couldn't avoid. The alpha was supposed to be back after an hour or two but it was reaching hour three and Landon was starting to feel restless with each second that passed.

While scrolling through the TV catalog Landon finally found something interesting to watch. He hugged a pillow and sipped his wine while watching a random mystery show.

When the show went to commercial the omega took the chance to go into the kitchen and prepare something quick to eat before the show came back on.

There was no reason for him to rush since he could see the TV from the kitchen but he felt this sense of accomplishment when he was able to finish what he needed to do and get situated before the show resumed.

While the commercials played noisily in the background he went through the fridge and got some leftover pasta from the night before. He quickly plated it and went to the microwave to heat it up when he heard the soft ding of the elevator. He almost didn't hear the sound with the TV playing.

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