Chapter XII

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Landon was absolutely drained from the day's events.

Finding out he was pregnant, Malachi showing up the same day after they had not seen each other in a month and Timothy finding out as well were all too much for the omega.

Once at the penthouse Landon went straight to Malachi's loft bedroom and went to sleep.

Malachi went to the kitchen to prepare something for the omega for when he woke up later.

Charlie sat on one of the bar stools on the other side of the kitchen island texting on his phone before he turned it off, putting the device in his pocket.

"What information do you think you'll get on the professor?" the beta asked Malachi.

Charlie heard the phone call from before.

Malachi was calculating when it came to those close to him. Having Timothy looked into was the alpha's way of staying one step ahead. The beta also knew that Malachi had a horrible temper and could cause more harm than good.

"Landon told me about that beta before, what that man did to him" Malachi said scooping yogurt into a small bowl, "I assumed the beta was pissed Landon had moved on, which he is, but him showing up to Landon's office nearly an hour after they are both off tells me he's up to something and that he's done that before."

Charlie simply nodded his head with a blank expression.

Landon was pregnant with Malachi's child. The omega's baby would be the first grandchild between the Von Aston heirs.

Charlie knew Malachi loved the omega. He watched the man grow restless and angry over the past month in Landon's absence.

Landon had the man wrapped around his pinky finger.

While Charlie still had his doubts about the omega he didn't care to bring it up to Malachi because he knew the alpha wouldn't listen. The beta was Malachi's best friend and assistant, though the latter was simply a title to keep the beta around.

Arthur Von Aston made it his mission to push Malachi into solitude and he let Kane run wild like a stray dog.

Charlie and Malachi were similar in the aspect that they were lumped together by their families because they were mistakes. The way the Von Aston's wanted and expected one alpha successor, Kane, Charlie's family expected the same.

Charlie's phone buzzed again but the beta ignored it. After about three more buzzes from multiple texts the beta took out his phone seeing text messages from one sender.

The beta glanced up at Malachi who was focused on cutting strawberries before he opened the messages. He quickly read through the messages not replying before turning off his phone again.

"Are you still seeing that guy?" Malachi asked, still cutting fruit for the omega, "the alpha."

"No." Charlie lied swiftly.

"Are you ever going to tell me who he is?" Malachi turned, placing a bowl of yogurt topped with strawberries in front of Charlie before he saran wrapped a second bowl for Landon placing it in the fridge.

"He's not important." the beta replied, looking at the bowl in front of him.

"You know all about my personal life," Malachi said, "we're best friends, why are you hiding your lover from me?"

"I'm not hiding him and he is not my lover." Charlie scooped some yogurt into his mouth.

Malachi watched the blonde eat the yogurt. The alpha loved Charlie like a brother. He and the beta had known each other since they were children, they played baseball together, they went to the same high school and university together.

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