Chapter I

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Present (Mid Jan.)

Landon sat in the front of the auditorium listening carefully and writing notes as Professor Carson went over the syllabus for the students in his class. It was the first week of classes and many students were freshmen straight out of highschool getting their first taste of university life.

It was an exciting time for most but not for Landon.

It irked Landon that after all that happened a year ago Professor Carson still pushed to have him be his teaching assistant again for the year. To make matters worse Landon had no valid reason to decline. He needed the money and experience. Plus he was the beta's teaching assistant before. It honestly would have been stranger had he not become the teaching assistant again.

If Timothy was afraid Landon would expose their previous unprofessional and intimate student-professor relationship, he was wrong. Landon didn't want to be associated with Timothy after he not only cheated on him but had a baby on the omega.

The break up was so hard on Landon that he had to take a year off from graduate school just to recollect himself. He threw himself into his boring part-time job at the bookstore near his apartment and spent most of his time in a depressed state.

When he went into heat for the first few times since he stopped taking his birth control it was terrifying and difficult to manage without an alpha. He only took the pill to satisfy Timothy and stop his heats, so there was no reason to continue on the pill after the breakup.

Landon's friends caught wind of the break up after his sudden change, he was shyer and more to himself afterwards. They wanted to know who broke his heart, they wanted a common enemy. Even though Timothy hurt Landon, he still wanted to protect the beta. So, he never told them who it was, he simply lied and said it was a long distant relationship and it wouldn't matter if he told them who because they wouldn't know him.

That response didn't satisfy his friends. But they didn't dwell on it for his sake. He was trying to move on and they didn't want to halt that process by asking questions he wasn't ready to answer.

When Landon registered for graduate classes and to work on campus as a teaching assistant again he was shocked when he got the email informing him that he would be working with Professor Carson. He didn't have the right to decline because it wasn't his call to make, he was an omega and Professor Carson was a beta. Landon highly doubted the school thought something could happen between them seeing as omegas usually ended up with alphas.

So, Landon just sucked it up and now he's here.

In a lecture hall with over two hundred freshman students listening to Professor Carson talk about academic integrity and the consequences of plagiarism. He went through the roster of students noting that a majority were betas with only a handful of omegas and two alpha students.

"Now that I have finished going over the syllabus, I'd like for our TA for the semester to introduce himself." Professor Carson said, catching Landon off guard.

Landon quickly stood and went to the front of the room near Professor Carson but kept a distance from the man.

"Good morning, I'm Landon Dominique. I graduated with a bachelors in sociology and I'm currently going for my masters in sociological research." he began, while he faced over a hundred blank faces, "As your TA I'm here to help with any questions you all might have on assignments and papers, I will be sending an email later today with information regarding my office hours and the easiest way to get in contact with me. Let's all have a great semester."

There was a small round of applause and Landon quickly made his way back to his seat.

Professor Carson dismissed the class shortly after Landon's introduction.

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