Chapter XV

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5 months later (Early Sept.)

Landon was more than halfway through his pregnancy with just a couple more months to go. His stomach grew slightly larger and rounder with each passing week.

While male omegas had uteruses their pregnancy stages were not as dramatically visible like a woman's pregnancy.

It was obvious to those who understood the anatomy of male omegas that Landon was pregnant but it was easy to hide under baggy sweaters and shirts considering his stomach was relatively small.

Landon had told Jiwon and his other friends of his pregnancy and his relationship with Malachi.

Jiwon was upset that the omega didn't tell him of the pregnancy sooner but understood the circumstances. Landon didn't really delve into who Malachi was but from what he told Jiwon the beta was able to deduce that it was because the alpha was a generally private person.

Malachi and Jiwon had become somewhat friendly over the past couple months and the beta would often visit Landon a couple times a month. Bring fruits for the omega every time he visits.

Landon was taking his graduate courses online with only one in person lecture class. The omega rescinded his application to TA during the fall semester in order to focus on his academics so he could graduate and to take care of himself during his pregnancy.

Landon had expected Malachi to get less busy after the summer season but the alpha seemed busier than usual with constant meetings, charity events, and guest appearances in food related events and shows.

Out of the two Von Aston brothers Malachi was more marketable much to his dismay since Kane refused to participate in anything that required filming. The alpha wasn't camera shy; he simply didn't want to do it, so those events were left to Malachi.

Landon joined a small club for pregnant omegas to get a better understanding of his pregnancy and tips on how to deal with certain situations. It was his first pregnancy and he really needed the support since a majority of his friends were betas and none of his female friends had ever gone through a pregnancy.

It also gave the omega a reason to go out more often.

Landon even made a few friends with some of the other pregnant omegas, one in particular, Devon, became very close to Landon while he was attending the club.

Devon and Landon both shared similar experiences. Both men were either dating or married to powerful and wealthy alphas and fell pregnant during their heats by mistake. Devon was married to the current CEO of a popular electronics company and was having a difficult pregnancy due to expecting twins, which was very rare for a male omega.

He had revealed to Landon that his marriage to his husband was one of convenience. A way to save face for getting the omega pregnant out of wedlock. It was spun as a sort of Cinderella story that took the media by storm when his pregnancy was discovered.

Devon was a dark skinned omega with black eyes and soft pretty facial features and short kinky hair that was always neatly twisted. He was an inch or two shorter than Landon.

They would often text or talk on the phone about their lives prior to meeting their partners. Both omegas lived very normal mundane lives before they happened to meet and fall pregnant by powerful alpha men way out of their league.

Landon was and still is a graduate student while Devon was a high school dropout turned small time social media influencer. Ironically, both men met their partners at lounges expecting a one night stand. It seemed clubs and lounges were a hotspot to meet successful alphas with nothing better to do.

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