Chapter XI

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1 Month later (Late Apr.)

Landon had thrown himself into work for the past couple of weeks. He ignored Malachi's texts and declined his calls as finals approached and his workload nearly tripled.

Out of the nearly 400 students he was responsible for helping throughout Timothy's course only about 40 percent of them were on route to pass while the other 60 percent have been scrambling to catch up in time for their final exam.

Once the drop window opened Landon estimated that about half of the students who fell behind would drop the course.

Timothy was also flooded with constant student meetings for the course Landon TAed for and his other courses. So the beta was a nonissue and of low priority at the moment for Landon who was trying to hold out until the end of the semester before putting in a request to TA for a different professor in the fall.

Malachi constantly pushed his way into the forefront of Landon's mind. As upset as Landon was with the situation he knew he couldn't pull all the blame on Malachi.

Malachi marked Landon after his raging pheromones triggered the omega's heat. And Landon's heat in turn triggered Malachi's rut. It was a series of unfortunate events and terrible biological timing.

The omega wore turtlenecks to campus everyday as the bite mark slowly healed and seemed hypersensitive to even the slightest releases of pheromones by those around him as his body adjusted to being marked.

Landon hadn't been able to hang out with his friends much due to work and school but the one time he was able to meet up with Jiwon the beta made an offhand comment about the omega putting on a couple pounds.

Jiwon tended to say whatever was on his mind and didn't elaborate on his comment but Landon did notice that his clothes fit a little snugger than usual.

Landon had bought a pregnancy test about a week ago and had been carrying it around in his backpack since.

Everytime he caught a glance of the blue and white box his anxiety spiked and he simply pushed it further and further into the bottom of his bag.

The chances of him being pregnant were high since Malachi came in him during his heat and marked him as well. It was either he took the test and prepared for parenthood based on the results or wait for the other shoe to drop, which it would eventually.

Landon sat in his small office feeling his eyes burn from staring at his computer screen for over three hours.

It's been email after email with students asking for help with the course. Would they pass the course? Should they drop the course? What's the lowest or highest grade they could get on the final to pass? It was never ending.

The omega leaned back in his computer chair glancing out the window of his office down at the courtyard as students bustled from one class to the next or hung out in groups.

Some students sat in the grass under the large tree in the center on campus studying, napping or fooling around without a care in the world as they acted like children chasing each other or filming videos for social media.

From the 4th floor it was easy to see a majority of the courtyard. Landon could tell which students were alphas, betas or omegas because they all tended to gravitate towards those most similar to them.

The alpha and beta students were almost always taller than the omega students.

The omega students were all small and pretty, they dressed well which made them stand out regardless of height.

Landon found it interesting watching how naturally segregated the students tended to be when it came to gender.

He checked the clock on his computer and saw it was a little past 5pm. Only one more hour and he could go home.

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