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liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse

(of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion

1 year ago

Landon thought Timothy loved him.

He really did.

Because he loved the beta.

Landon loved his voice, his looks, his personality, and intelligence. He loved that Timothy made him laugh and he loved how the beta would tell him how much he loved him when they were intimate.

The sweet nothings that made his body tingle and his heart skip a beat. The cute carefully thought out dates and the nice gifts. The way Timothy looked at Landon like he was the most amazing being that ever walked the face of the planet.

He made Landon feel like he was everything, like he was the one.

Until Landon meant nothing.

Timothy slowly stopped texting and calling. He stopped telling Landon about his days and their dates felt more like meetings.

When they met up, all they did was have sex. It was passionless, boring, and quiet.

Timothy didn't touch Landon the way he used to. The omega thought, maybe the beta was going through something personally and wanted to deal with it alone.

Landon thought when the beta was ready he would tell him what was wrong and they could fix it together. He believed it was stress and work. Until, Timothy started to smell different. A flowery scent. It mixed perfectly with his cologne, it was almost undetectable.

When the beta's phone rang, he was quick to pick up. Whenever the person on the other end of the line needed him, he was rushing over to them, completely forgetting about Landon.

Their relationship was slowly dying right before Landon's eyes.

The simple life Landon was leading and his mundane relationship with his professor was meeting its conclusion.

But Landon was too naïve, he wanted to hold out hope that something would change. That Timothy would see the error of his ways and realize that he loved the omega too much to let him go.

Then the beta vanished for weeks with no explanation and no way to contact him, only to reemerge with a shiny gold band on his ring finger.

The ring confirmed Landon's fears and suspicions.

The beta was cheating on him. And had been for a long time.

Landon already knew and he let it happen because he stupidly thought it would be easier to keep a man if he didn't cause any trouble. But Landon wasn't expecting to find out that the beta was cheating on him with another omega, a woman, for almost two years. A woman who was nearing the end of her pregnancy with Timothy's first child.

It broke Landon.

He and the beta were together, secretly, for almost five years. They spoke about children before and the beta always told Landon he wasn't ready. He didn't want kids due to work, because he would be too busy.

Timothy pushed Landon to go on the pill because he didn't like condoms. If they had an accident the beta would get the morning after pill for the omega. Landon thought it was fine, someday it would happen.

Someday came, just not with him.

The omega woman was a colleague of Timothy. Landon didn't even know the beta swung both ways.

The news of Professor Timothy Carson marrying and expecting his first child with his wife Isabel spread like wildfire on campus.

Landon was thrown aside. His calls always went to voicemail and his texts were always read but never replied to. There was no one the omega could turn to for comfort that didn't adore Timothy.

Landon truly hated Timothy Carson for what he did to him.

He hated Isabel for being the one to rip the beta from him even though she was innocent and seemed to know nothing about Landon.

Landon didn't regret his experiences and time with Timothy.

He simply regrets the energy he put into that man.

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