Chapter III

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Malachi woke up the following morning feeling totally refreshed as he stretched and yawned.

Last night was more than he was expecting. The memories of the cute brown brunette crying and moaning under him as the omega begged for more played through his mind, arousing the alpha all over again as he sat up in bed.

The shifting next to him drew his attention as he saw the omega from last night sleeping soundly in his bed, cuddled up underneath the blankets.

He was beautiful with smooth warm caramel skin and dark brown curly hair that was now frizzy and fluffy from last night's activities. His upturned brown eyes were closed and he had such long thick lashes. The omega had a cute button nose and his full lips were in a small peaceful smile.

The second Malachi saw him he knew the man was an omega. Landon was pretty and feminine, he smelled sweet, like warm vanilla and sunlight. Omegas weren't the type that Malachi went for but he enjoyed the look in Landon's eyes when the alpha was near him. The omega looked scared, curious and excited all at once. Definitely one who took risks, even against his better judgment.

Landon was shorter than Malachi but he had long legs. Malachi almost mistook him for a tomboyish woman had he not heard his voice when they briefly spoke.

He had lean muscles but even so he was smooth and slightly curvy with a plump butt. His skin was so soft, Malachi couldn't help but continuously touch it and lick it.

The longer the alpha looked at him the more he seemed to notice about the omega. Like how he had barely any body hair aside from some pubic hair, and that he had little beauty marks lightly dotted on his face, neck and chest. Omegas were very different from betas and alphas.

Landon caught Malachi's attention at Black Ice last night. He was with an Asian man who was a beta. The duo stood out the moment they entered the lounge; an attractive Asian with his even more attractive Brown friend. Many eyes were drawn to the men but they seemed oblivious to their observers.

At first Malachi assumed the man was Landon's boyfriend or something. Turns out it was just his friend, not that it really mattered since the alpha still would have pursued the omega regardless. It was a bad habit but there was something about Landon that drew Malachi in for some odd reason.

The omega looked lonely sitting there at the bar waiting for his friend to return.

He was the perfect one-night stand for Malachi. An attractive lonely omega who looked like he needed a good lay. He was an easy target to those paying attention.

Malachi made it a point not to get attached to those he's slept with. One-night stands kept everything fresh and new. But last night was completely different for him.

He felt it had to do with the fact that the alpha only slept with betas and other alphas. Malachi was expecting a basic one-night stand, nothing to really write home about, Landon was an omega. How different would he be compared to a beta or alpha?

Malachi expected one or two good rounds of fucking before tossing the omega out. But everything was different.

His smell, the way he felt in Malachi's arms and the way he tightly wrapped around his member. The innate feeling to ruin the omega and come in him over and over again was strong. Malachi wanted to mark Landon, which never happened before. He never felt the urge to do his duty as an alpha and mate with an omega, but with Landon...

Even the fact that Malachi let Landon sleepover said something.

The alpha reached over gently pushing Landon's curly hair from his sleeping face, he sighed against Malachi's touch. The alpha pressed his thumb against the omega's bottom lip and felt a jolt of electricity course through him when the man parted his lips slightly. It took all the strength in the alpha's body to not push his thumb past those lips and feel the omega's warm breath and soft tongue against his thumb.

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