I want to fuck the fuck out of you- d.g

366 6 11

Warnings- SUBMISSIVE DAVE AHHH, mutual masturbation, teasing, use of a rope to tie him against a bed frame, riding, heavy praise, use of "good boy" (sorry 😭), Dave says mommy IRONICALLY

Warnings- SUBMISSIVE DAVE AHHH, mutual masturbation, teasing, use of a rope to tie him against a bed frame, riding, heavy praise, use of "good boy" (sorry 😭), Dave says mommy IRONICALLY

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Does this photo make anyone else hungry? Or is it just me?

The concert was a fucking rager.

And trust me, I don't say that all too often. My boyfriend's band played probably one of their best fucking shows ever tonight and I just so happened to be one of the lucky people to see it.

My boyfriend, Dave, looked fucking gorgeous tonight.

I swear, every beat of his drum, every drink of his water to keep him hydrated, and every time he winked at me from the audience made me grow extremely horny.

And I knew for a fact he felt horny too. As a matter of fact, I know he did all the things to tease me upon that stage.

Multiple things he did made me want to destroy him when we got back to our hotel, from the overtly gruff voice on the background vocals, to the spitting of his water all over his chest, drums and pants.

And during the destruction of the set in 'endless, nameless', he came up to me.

Considering I was in the front row, he leant down over the speakers, grabbed my face and whispered into my ear.

Saying, "I need you (___), can't wait to have you fuck me tonight."

After his tantalizing words, Dave licked my cheek and turned my head again so he could messily kiss me before having to go back to the chaos.

Right then, I knew I needed to have him need me, want me, and crave me. Only me.

I flared my nostrils, going back to avoiding the mosh pit and just head banging to the music.

Once the show had ended, I set my sights on finding that teasing bastard so I could set him back in his place.

I'd found him out front, waiting for me.

"What was that about?" His attention was turned on me, even through the chilled air he looked just as sweaty as he was inside.

"What was what about?" Dave began to walk toward me, attempting to wrap his arms around me. "Nuh-uh baby, you don't get to feel me yet."

I'd denied his touch, even though I desperately desired it, I needed to wait.

"But.." he tried to plea with me, but I wasn't having it, that son of a bitch is gonna have to wait, "how about.. we go back to our hotel, and I'll think about it."

I dropped my voice an octave lower to signify my seriousness, and to also tease him.

Dave hadn't even said anything, just waved a cab over and led me inside.

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