their favorite show to watch with you

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Kurdt Kobain- he is a HUGE fan of America's Next Top Model. He won't admit it, but he's a Tyra stan. Will watch episode after episode for hours. Along with 90 Day Fiancé. Utterly hates Big Ed, wants to punch him to Jupiter and back. But he thinks Rose was totally in the right for calling it off

David69- meh, he usually lets you choose,but has the most adorable fucking reaction to the Friends theme song, along with the show Will and Grace. He ADORES Karen in Will and Grace, it's like his relationship with Krist if he was gay and Krist was genderbent.

Krist'the man' Novoselic- LOVESSSSS WITH A PASSION THE SHOW THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. He feels bad for the husband/wife who just got their marriage ruined. But he also loves the show Nailed It, it's his favorite. He thinks Nicole is hilarious, and he's a sucker for a man with a French accent

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