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Tyson chooses the link closest to the Jujutsu high to reduce the distance.

Once they reach, Satoru and Yuuji take the lead. Yuuji and Ichigo carry the injured while Satoru led them to where Shoko worked.

It so seemed that Satoru's friend, Shoko was the only one who could heal his two comrades. She was the only one, in the current era, gifted with being able to use reverse cursed technique on others. Gojo had also added that his young cousin, Okkutsu Yuta also knew the technique but it would be safer to go to Shoko. She wouldn't disclose anything to anyone and the principal, Yaga was away at Kyoto as Kyoto's principal ( the old geezer according to Satoru, ) Gakunji had invited Yaga for a drink.

Satoru walks forward briskly and pauses in front of a room.

He watches as Satoru pushes open the door and grins at Shoko.

" Shoko~ We need your help! "

" How annoying " He hears a monotone voice say. " When do you not need help? "

" Shoko's mean~ " Satoru responds with a pout before clapping his hands together."Yuuji-kun picked up a few non sorcerers infected by curses. One had been almost swallowed and the other we don't know. Anyway! Shoko please start healing them " He pushes the door open wider , allowing Yuuji and Ichigo in. They place the two on the metal beds Shoko gestures to.

" Who are these two. They look perfectly alright. " Shoko asks putting on her gloves.

" Close friends of the infected kids " Ichigo responds

" I see. And you didn't mind letting them being taken away by two weird guys "

" 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘰! " Satoru half-screamed , acting horrified " How could you call me, a handsome , young, charming, sorcerer weird? "

" You're weird, cocky, arrogant, want me to go on? "

" I'm your best friend, Shoko " Satoru whines , dropping himself on a seat, dramatically, hand reaching out for the bowl of candy. Shoko slaps his hand away

" No candy, you big baby. It's not for you. It's for the kids "

" Come on Shoko! They don't even eat it. It's always full when I come over. "

" And you always manage to empty it. " She responds, ignoring Satoru's pout

Satoru opens his mouth to argue but was however interrupted by Ichigo.

" If you two don't mind, please shut up and help them . There are lives at risk here. "

Shoko's attention quickly moves to the infected kids. Their condition didn't seem to be too serious, but she should do a check up.

She first throws everyone out to give the patients enough air and space. She allowed Tyson to stay at his request.She then started healing Yuki. Tyson watches her use reverse cursed technique on Yuki.

He watches and notices that it was quite helpful. It healed much better than the bit beasts. The bit beasts could do that too. But it always had a negative impact on the wielder. The wielder only used healing of this level if it is a life and death situation and if the life can be saved.

A person with a medical bit beast cannot risk his life for other soldiers who are (according to many higher ups) expendable.

His attention snaps back to Shoko when she moves away from Yuki, whose leg was now bandaged.

" Her cure has been exorcised. She needs rest but she'll get better soon. " She reports to Tyson. She must have noticed him perk up. Was he that transparent right now? Did that news shake him up so bad? It shouldn't have. Tyson can afford to be like this as Tyson granger. But as Blue dragon he could not.

He leans back, breathing out a sigh of relief. He presses the back of his head against the wall.

After collecting the scattered pieces of himself he turns his attention back to Shoko. Shoko seemed to be contemplating a little. Unlike when she was treating Yuki, she stood there staring at him for a while.

She sighs with a shrug and holds both her hands in front of his chest to start using her technique.

A minute passes. There isn't any difference in Haru's respiration or status. He was still sweating hard and gasping for air like a fish.

Blood spills down her nose. Shoko groans and clutches it with her gloved hand. After a quick debate, Tyson moves to help her. She raises her hand, a sign that makes him pause.

" I'm alright. " She moves towards her medical kid and takes out a towel. She gently holds it in front of her nose. After a few minutes, she sets the cloth aside and stands. She moves to the bin, placed close to the door and removes her gloves. She disposes the gloves before returning. She pulls out a seat of herself and sits down.

She opens a cigarette packet and grabs one. She grabs her lighter from her pocket and lights it. He stares at the cigarette. Is it alright for her to smoke right after bleeding from her nose? Isn't that bad for her health?

" What? Do you want one ? " She asks, offering the packet. Tyson blinks, realizing that he had been staring for too long.

Tyson shakes his head. She snorts , shaking her head , a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

" You don't need to worry about my health. I'll be fine " She lifts the cigarette to her lips, she breathes out through her nose, " But your friend may not be. "

" What do you mean? " Tyson asks. What the hell was going on. Satoru had said that she could heal everything and yet here she was telling him that Haru won't be alright. There has to be a cure. There has to be.

" Look. Don't get pissed. It's not in my hands right now. He's been possessed. Or rather, he has a curse within him. "

" Could you like, elaborate? "

" The boy has either been force fed a cursed object or a curse has possessed him. Whatever may the curse be. Right now the only person who can save the boy is himself. A curse needs an ideal vessel to thrive. If he isn't strong enough, the curse is like a poison and it kills him. If he can imprison the curse,  like Yuuji, wonderful, he'll live. If he is a vessel, the curse takes over. "

Tyson stares at her.

" So, it's less than likely that Haru will survive. "

" Yes. " She sighs and stands up " You better get some sleep. Come, I'll take you to Satoru." 

She stands and opens the door, allowing Tyson to step out . She steps out and shuts it.

" By the way you aren't normal people, are you? "


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