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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes mentioned below, I only own this plot line and my Ocs


Rina had had a rather boring day. Then again , she had had a boring life.

Being born into the jujutsu society was fun. Her mother was part of a clan she doesn't know of and has never heard of. However the technique she received was wonderful. A technique to be able to control chemical elements for a total 3 minutes and 56 seconds. And in her domain expansion, she could use almost almost all elements even if they weren't present in the area.

However, after a few years of just fighting curses over and over again, she got bored. Really bored. So she left. She visited new places but everything bored her at some point.

After 3 years of just wandering around the world, she stumbled upon a doorway to the parallel worlds. That excited her. After so many years, she found something exciting. Soon ber paths crossed with Master. Then her life just got even more amusing. She fought, defeated, experimented and killed many people. She researched with Champa on how to make the men who worked for Daiki stronger.

Champa was a random girl Daiki had picked to help Rina and Asuku. Daiki had forced her to join him by destroying half her village.

It so seemed that she was rather amazing at biology, however due to Champa being soft hearted, she didn't really want to experiment on anyone.One time Champa didn't give the man the pills she was supposed to, the pills would have caused an amusing reaction and would probably not be a good power up, however this meant that Champa wouldn't listen to Daiki's orders if she was left alone. So she was assigned to Rina and Asuku, who watched her like a hawk.

Rina was assigned to this world a few months ago. It was an interesting place. Curses did accumulate a few of this world's places but it was not as bad as how it had been in her own world of Jujutsu. It also seemed that the power system present in this world was different and it was only received by a select few. A few divine bit beast, originating from the core of this world, bond with a few humans who are considered worthy. These humans get to wield massive power and are given the task to protect their bit beast and whatever the beast protects.

It was fascinating. She really wanted to get her hands on one. She wanted to know what it's powers were. And she wanted to know if she could replicate it.

She wonders if that would cause some sort of imbalance in the world. But who cares about that. All that matters is that she gets to entertain herself for a while. And perhaps if she was able to replicate divine beasts , it would add to Daiki's armoury. And that would mean she'll be trusted with new missions.

She sighs, until further notice she has to work in this little laboratory of hers under the shrine. She glances back to the experiment she was working on. It was a pill to help civilians develop some sort of power, however she was still unable to find the right balance to it.

She pouts as she notices that the pill she was experimenting with wasn't working out. She briefly glances at her phone to check for any new notifications, and sighs. Nothing new.

She whistles the tune she used to always whistle with her brother and walks out the door. Her feet comes to stop as she spots a new figure in her hideout. She scans the boy with mild interest.

" Why hello. " She says cheerfully with a grin

" I wonder, how did you discover my little hideout? "

She tilts her head to the side when she notices that the first door was open.

" I see that you already saw the dead civilians. I wonder how that felt. " She then notices his outfit. It was rather similar to the outfit she saw her latest test subject wear . Her new test subject was a kid named Haru Kimura. Daiki seemed interested in the boy. Daiki had stated that boy had a few valuable healing powers that would benefit them greatly. However, the boy was still weak. So, Daiki gave her the permission to experiment on the young boy to help him grow stronger. So far the boy had been reacting negatively to her experiments. He probably won't survive.

Oh well, she was doing Daiki a favor by eliminating someone as weak as him. Why was Daiki even interested in that boy? He held no great talent or potential, the only good quality was his healing powers and now he was unable to use them properly because of the experiments.

" Then again, looking at your outfit, you look similar to the kid I caught recently. You guys friends ? "

She grins as she sees anger flash in his eyes. He unsheathes his sword and swings it. She dodges it just in time, however it does manage to nick her arm. She raises a brow, not bad.

" Where is Haru " The boy demands

" Haru, who ? " She asks, suppressing a smirk.

The boy swings his sword again, she stops it using her dagger.

" You know damn well who" He thunders

She grins, now this was exciting. She skids back a little to put some distance between them.

" My jujutsu technique " She begins raising her hand to form a six sided shape with her thumb and index fingers. She pauses as she realises " Ah, you probably won't understand, anyway" She continues, joining her fingers to form the shape. " My technique allows me to control any of the chemical elements present in the area. I can do whatever I wish with them, and unfortunately for you labs right next to me and you don't have cursed energy,"

She grins at him, raising her fist to lash out a few of her chemical. The boy seems somewhat unfazed as he uses his sword to block and cut them.

" It's of no use, they are controlled by my cursed energy, if you can't break the connection with your cursed energy, it  won't -" She stops speaking when the boy leaps amd swings his sword to cut her.

She moves away, but it cuts her side. She then notices that her elements were down, no longer moving. She blinks, excitement courses through her as she looks up grinning.

" You have cursed energy too, eh? "


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