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Disclaimer - Don't own Beyblade, Bleach, Naruto and JJK. Only own this plot line


"Ok what the hell! " Daichi yelled banging his fist on the ground. Hilary inwardly cringed, that must have hurt a lot.

"Is there a language called 'sigh' language? If there is then teach me how to use it! Cause I don't understand what's going on! "

Tyson glanced towards Daichi and then back to Mr Dickenson.

"Anything else? " He asked, a question directed to Mr D

Mr Dickenson shook his head no.

Tyson noticed the others growing impatient. He knew he had to explain but his confidence faltered. He sighed ( Causing Daichi to start fuming once again) and stood up. He felt a new presence outside. Familiar blue, warm chakra. Naruto.

" I - I'll explain some other time. " He said and left the room without another word. He opened the backdoor and stepped out. He was met with Naruto's face. He jumped to the side to avoid a collision.

"Hey! - " He began but was cut off by the blonde

" You chickened out eh? "

Tyson remained silent.

" Can't blame you. I may have done the same if I was in your position. After all, life ain't no bed of roses. There'll be thorns that will try to pierce us. Perseverance. That is what we must have throughout this ordeal, y'know. Don't you agree?" Naruto said with a grin on his whiskered face.

" Quite the advisor aren't ya? " Tyson teased.

" You just lost a valuable session and the opportunity of having more sessions with me " Naruto says with his arms crossed and a pout on his face.

Tyson laughed before sighing. He smiled and said

" Thank you "

No reply was given but Tyson could see Naruto's wide, bright grin as the blonde jumped into the air and onto a building. Tyson followed the blonde to do his next dimensional mission. Which was obviously taking a toll on him but right now he didn't mind as he had to take his mind off the things back at home.

~ Back at home ~

Hilary frowned and turned to Mr Dickenson.

" What is going on Mr D? " She asked

" I can't -" Mr D began

" And I can. " A woman with black eyes and blonde hair dyed a tad hot pink stood there,leaning against the open door a wide smirk on her face .


Tyson returned a few hours later. The mission was short in comparison to his other long winded.

He walked towards his house. He stopped short when he saw his grandfather outside holding his Kendo stick in his hand.

The two held eye contact for a few moments.

" I don't know where you were, what you were up to. I won't be questioning you but they will need answers . " Ryuu said without his usual funny language .

Tyson nodded and sidestepped his grandfather to enter. He was startled by what Ryuu spoke next.

" We have a guest "

He frowned entering the house.

He entered the dining area. He studied the room. Most members of the G-revolution looked at him with eyes of mistrust. Whereas  Kai looked on indifferently. Each eye held a different emotion. Tyson somehow couldn't look into each one. Somehow his courage was faltering. He just couldn't look them in the eye. He just couldn't..

His eyes searched for the new 'guest ' . His eyes finally landed on her..

He felt his anger rage. Anger building up and bubbling in his stomach. But nothing came out, he knew that perhaps this was all his fault. He looked on with cold , indifferent eyes.

" Ayano. " He said

" Ah lil Ty! How nice of you to join us. " She said with a lopsided grin.

Tyson stared at her . He didn't know what to feel. Gratitude or Rage?

What a shame. What kind of warrior would back away. What a mess he was. He merely sat down, opting silence.

Ayano sighed with disappointment and stood.

" Whatever lil Ty. I'll see you around later. I hope you can explain better ~ " She said with a wave and left the room.

Tyson continued to stares down . Hilary's voice was the first he heard.

" Is it true? Was all of it an act.. "Her voice indicated that she knew and feared his answer.

Tyson knowing not what to do ,bowed down. His palms planted beside his face , his forehead and nose touching the floor. He spoke, his voice heavy with emotions.

" Please. Listen to my side first. Please allow me to explain . Allow me to answer. Please listen with an open mind. I know that this may hurt you , so please accept my apology. Please.. "

There was a ringing silence. Never in their life had they heard Tyson speak in this manner . Never had they ever seen Tyson look so ... Sorry. So sad. So vulnerable. Whatever it was, Tyson had let down all his walls for these few fragile moments.

Tyson knew not if he was going to regret this but he knew that this was necessary. Trust was a fragile thing. Easily broken and hard to repair. He wonders if the trust they had in him was already broken. He hopes not. He hopes, with all his heart, that it is not broken. Tyson doesn't want to let go of their friendship. Of the close bond they had built over the years. He knew he was being selfish. But he wanted to continue being able to return to them. To their friendship. They were precious to him and he would go to the ends of the earth to ensure their friendship continues to remain the same. And he would do everything in his power to keep them safe.

He hears Kenny's voice.

" Please Tyson. Rise. We'll- we'll listen. " He spoke with a squeak.

Tyson obliged. Rising his head up and sitting straight. The others look at his face. It held no emotion. A rather calm expression was forced onto it. But his eyes. His eyes held numerous , indescribable emotions. Swirling in those mahogany eyes.

They didn't know if they could trust the man in front of him. After everything they heard they didn't know who Tyson was .

But perhaps the one who they had made memories with still exists. Perhaps that is a part of who Tyson is. And maybe they were willing to know who exactly Tyson was.


( Until next time y'all)

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