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Disclaimer - Don't own anybody from the anime Beyblade but the Ocs are mine.


There will always be consequences to every choice you make.

Arata stood in front of three representatives of different countries inside the advisors room. The room, which had been formerly trashed by the 'traitors' or former advisors,looked more elegant than usual. Arata assumed that this was done by Ayano. She was very particular on stuff like these. Arata mused why she couldn't use the same concentration and determination into better things.

But sadly he couldn't think more on this amusing topic as he was supposed to 'explain' what happened. He wondered why he had to. Was the upper council so dumb to not figure it out themselves? Did they have to drag their lazy asses all the way for different countries just to know about the obvious ? Arata mentally groaned. He knew that they knew what the situation is. But this was much too big to ignore.

The advisors are the ones who run the place and keep their section together . The section in Japan was a powerhouse. It wasn't that powerful before but after the arrival of multiple powerful bit beast and the awakening of Dragoon , it had turned into one.

A powerhouse is both good and bad. It's good because the section gets stronger. But with greater power comes greater responsibility. Most of the powerhouses had a tough past and were not troublemakers. But keeping everyone in check is a tiresome job. On top of getting powerhouses, many bit beast suddenly chose their owners and there was a boom in the number of people in Kami Kemono no Chikara.

And that is where the advisors come in. The advisors keep everyone in check and ensure everything goes smoothly. The advisors were handpicked by many of the higher ups . They were selected in accordance to their powers and potential. Their capabilities was also taken into account.

Arata was chosen as the chief advisor for multiple reasons. The man always had cool and calm personality and you can count on him when things go haywire. He also had good general knowledge and was a good speaker. He was diplomatic and did things carefully. Even though he was never really interested in fighting his style was good too. But he usually favoured using a bow over a sword, making him a long distance fighter.

Ayano, Aoi and all the others were chosen after much planning and discussions. So when you put so much effort and things just go downhill, people feel quite pissed. Arata was sure that was what most of the higher ups at India felt. And he knew that nothing he spoke in favour of the 'traitors' would be taken seriously.

Arata sighed as he heard one of the 'bird brains ' cleared his throat. Arata turned to look at him. His name was Mike, the representative of America .He wasn't the chief advisor but as the chief advisor is unwell,Mike was sent in his place.

The man was quite popular and , according to Arata, stupid. He used to be humble and nice but once fame caught up to him, he became conceited and self centered. He wore ridiculous clothing too. His shirt was covered with flowers and he wore a shiny belt , which had Mike engraved on it. He wore khakhi pants and cooling glasses. But he too wore cooling glasses,so he couldn't judge. Arata was quite alright with his fashion but who wears this sort of clothing to a meeting?

Arata wasn't sure if he hated the man or his fashion sense but nonetheless he had to put up with him.

" Yes Mike? " He asked.

" Ah, Hayashi, don't you think its time, you y'know start sayin' something? " He spoke .

At that moment, Arata really wanted to punch him. And he didn't care about the consequences.

"Well how about you start asking questions then? " He spoke in a sugary voice to hide his anger .

"Very well, Arata " Spoke Martha, the woman representing Egypt. She had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. She was a professional, unlike Mike. She spoke only when it was necessary and always managed to keep an aura around her. Many feared her but Arata knew that she was quite nice. It's just that she wasn't very trusting .

" What do you think of what happened? " Martha said, opening her notepad and grabbing her pen.

Arata sighed before answering

"As you all know, the advisors have split due to not being able to agree with each other. The advisors who stood against me and the majority have left Kami Kemono no Chikara. We continue to search for them as they have disappeared without a trace. After finding them , we will consider their punishment "

" That's completely wrong " Henry, the man representing Britain , shrieked. " How can you even be so lenient! "He hollered " They are advisors! How dare they betray-"

"Henry.I don't believe all of them are bad and I don't believe that this is their actual motive " Arata spoke

Henry narrowed his eyes.
"What do you mean? Is this because your wife is with them? You shouldn't be soft just because of that. Back in our section, we -" Henry began

" That's not how we do things here. I know you know that " Arata cut him off. Arata knew Henry well and he knew Henry would launch into yet another speech on how great his section was . And Arata was uninterested.

" I have a gut feeling that they have their resons and I shall believe the same. So I would like to conclude this meeting " Arata said with a polite smile.

"Very well " Martha said snapping her notebook shut and grabbing her bag. She soon left  .

Henry and Mike left soon after, dejected that they couldn't speak more. Shakti smiled and cut the call. Leaving Arata alone in the room to ponder on his thoughts.


Shakti chuckled to himself as he closed his laptop. Shakti wore a blue kurta, his hair was long and was tied back into bun. He had a small mark of sandal paste on his forehead. His second in command looked towards him.

" Is there something to laugh about? " She spoke grumpily.

" Arata Hayashi truly is a force to be reckoned with. His thoughts and his brains exceeded my expectations " Shakti replied with a smile.


( A/n ~ sorry about the delay)

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