Finding Haru

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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes mentioned below . Only own this plotline and my Ocs .


The positions were given soon after they arrived at the shrine. The shrine was a small one, however it was built with an underground passage. And it was suspected that Haru was present there. The shrine had been abandoned some time ago.

The shrine used to be visited by the people who lived close by. However, once the creatures started popping up everywhere, it frightened the people to actually visit the shrine. Soon the number of people visiting the shrine thinned out. According to team 4 the last person who was spotted visiting it was a short old woman. Apparently the woman no longer lived here. She had either moved out or passed away.

The 4 groups other than the infiltrating group were stationed around the shrine in it's four corners. The teams were to patrol around the shrine to look for any unusual activity and had to be careful enough to not rile up any of the creatures. Team 4 was unable find any information about the creatures and they also couldn't find anything even after using the bit beasts who provided the wielder with ocular powers. The creatures were labelled a mystery.

However Tyson knew straight away after he saw them that they were cursed spirits. Dragoon confirmed it , as Dragoon was the one who was able to absorb cursed energy first.

It was odd that cursed spirits would gather in this place. The shrine couldn't be emitting any sort of negative emotions as it had been abandoned ages ago. Unless of course, it was never really abandoned. This meant that there were perhaps people who could wield cursed energy down there . That was a huge risk. If he was the one bumping into them, it would be alright, however if it was Nick or Cathy instead, it would turn out to be rather problematic. Then again the user may not be too skilled for him to worry. He sighs and decides to let it play out the way it would.

He turns and addresses the team.

" Alright. Now head to your stations and be on patrol until we are able to uncover whatever or whoever is within the shrine and hopefully we are able to find Haru down  there. Disperse. "

The groups quickly scatter and head for their stations . Tyson then turns to his own team.

" Be careful down there. "

" You too, Cap'n" Nick responds

" See you soon, Cap'n " Catherine says and then the three head into shrine and go their different ways.

The infiltration team was to split up and head down the three underground passages , there used to be a fourth one but it no longer exists as a large chunk of it's ceiling crumbled and blocked the path.

Tyson runs around . The underground passage was designed well, it had multiple cell like rooms and torches were hung up on the walls. He checks each cell in the passage , only to find nothing in it. He runs on and on, searching but finds nothing. Towards the end of the passage, he found a second grade spirit, which he killed. Otherwise his search was uneventful.

He checks the time. Merely 13 mins had passed. He heads back up. He double checks each room as he goes. Soon he arrives at the place where the room divides into four passages . He stares at the blocked fourth one. His gut told him that there was surely  something down there. There had to be something or someone down here, otherwise the cursed spirits wouldn't gather. Cursed spirits only gathered in place where they could feed on the negative emotions. They wouldn't simply gather around in a damn abandoned shrine. So, after a lengthy debate with himself, Tyson decides to trust his instincts.

His eyes glow blue , with a little bit of gold surrounding it, as he draws on Dragoon's power. Once he feels it surround him and envelope him in its powers, he says

" Wind Slash"

A roar is unleashed by dragoon as the wind does as he commands. The winds surrounding Tyson sharpen themselves and slash at the rocks blocking Tyson's path.

The rocks crumble and few explode. A hole large enough for two people was made. Tyson carefully walks in to the passage. He was quite sure that his teammates had heard the explosion, but that was quite alright. They would know that he was quite alright, after all he was the second strongest. He races through the passage, not wanting to stay in this suffocating place for long.

He was once again attacked by a cursed spirit. He slashes it across the face and plunges his cursed energy imbued sword into it. The curse crumbles and disappears. Tyson once again continues running. He finally arrives at a locked door. His feet skid to a halt. His fingers rise up to open the door.

He pushes the door open , his other arm going to his side where his sword was. Once he considers it safe, he walks into the room . He scans the room and notices three other rooms. He heads to the first one to his left and kicks it open.

It was dark and it smelled like sewers, but worse. It smelt like rotting fishes. His eyes soon adjusts to the darkness and he scans the room. It was some sort of jail cell. The bars were rusting and there were some sort of sacks inside. His left foot steps on something, he steps back and notices some gooey substance sticking to his shoe. He bends a little to inspect it closely. His eyes widen as he realises that it was an arm. He looks around, finally realising what those 'sacks' were. They were dead bodies.

Tyson runs out of the room. He wills himself not to throw up , bracing himself on his knees, panting . He gulps and wonders which room he ought to go into next. Suddenly he hears the door in the middle swing open. He glances up to see a figure step out whistling a tune. The figure stops whistling when he sees Tyson.

" Why hello. " It was a voice of a woman " I wonder, how did you discover my little hideout? "

She tilts her head to the side when she notices that the first door was open.

" I see that you already saw the dead civilians. I wonder how that felt. Then again, looking at your outfit, you look similar to the kid I caught recently. You guys friends ? "


[ Welp, Until next time!! ]

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