Dramatic Sorcery.

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Gojo frowns as he surveys Tyson, he had never seen Tyson look so panicked, so sorrowful . His eyes glance at the mahogany ones of the younger one, and he notices guilt present in the swirling mess of his current emotions.

He tilts his head to the side and asks,

" Everything ok? Did we come at a bad time?"

The red head wearing cooling glasses growls and raises his sword. The two doctors ( he assumes they were doctors, seeing as they were wearing white lab coats.) cover their patients. Standing in front of them to protect them if any sort of harm comes their way. Tyson stares at them, his posture defensive. Oh, so this is supposed to be an act. He grins. He loves some good drama.

" Hello! Fellow.. Humans.. People? " He hears Ichigo sigh, pinching his nose as though it would help the inevitable headache that is to come and notice his young student gulp

"Anyway " He claps his hands together

"We're here for those two there " He gestures to the kids lying on the hospital beds, covered in curse marks and eyes. Now that he sees it with his own eyes,the boy seems to be in a pitiful state. The girl looked better. But there was nothing Shoko couldn't heal.

He turns back to the ,warriors,soldiers, doctor or well, call them Tyson's colleagues for now, when he feels a sudden animosity from them. Oh, so he struck a nerve didn't he?

Well,he ought to have worded it better then..

He grins when the people grip their swords and one of the obviously terrified nurses or warrior or soldiers or - anyway - flings a knife at him.

It obviously gets deflected by his infinity. Everyone stare at him with gaping mouths. Everyone except Tyson ,the redhead and the foreigner. Impressive, he muses, it is quite impressive to still glare head on at an unknown enemy even after knowing that the enemy is much stronger than them.

You don't always see many people like that. Satoru himself has seen very few who can do so.

He hums, allowing a smirk to spread on his lips as he once again begins speaking.

" Woah! We're here in peace! We're just here to help!!! "

" Help? " The red head repeats, distrust in his eyes.

" Yes. Help. We know how to cure them." .

" A cure?" Tyson perks up. He glances to the midnight haired boy. His fellow comrade was acting well , he smiles widely,but not as well as him.

" How? " Tyson asks, even though he knew the answer.

" Those two kids are sick because of cursed beings. We know a cure to heal them. So please allow us to take them. "

" What do you mean by these 'cursed beings'?" The foreigner asks

" Have you heard of exorcists or sorcerers? Let's just say we are sorcerers and we exorcise them"

" Aren't things like sorcerers and exorcists just tales? " The red head questions 

" Are they? " Satoru responds with yet another question.

The red head sighs before speaking.

" Alright. We agree with you. However, you have to cure them right here. "

Satoru shakes his head

" Nope. Not possible. "

" How is it not possible? " The red head asks

" Not every exorcist can heal. The one who specialises in it, is far away in Tokyo. We were notified about a sudden rise in cursed energy here, at that shrine. So we were sent to clear the mess up. Then we learnt that those two have been affected by curses. So, we need to take them to Tokyo. "

" Then we shall accompany you. My team will -"

" Nope. No 'team' can come along. They're not gonna allow a whole team to come there. However, I can coax them to allow one guy to come. "  He raises his index " Only one guy"

The red head clenches his jaw contemplating. Satoru decides to use one more trick to fully convince this guy

" We just care about people's safety. If they continue staying here, they won't survive " He says

The red head sighs

" Very well. The Blue Dragon shall assist you" He gestures to Tyson. Satoru nods, even though he had expected that. After all they'll always send their strongest, won't they?

He grins at Tyson

" Looking forward to working with, Blue Dragon. "

" I also look forward to it. "

Satoru claps his together " Well, then! How about we get going! Kurosaki, Itadori , help us carry them! " He says turning to his student and teammate.

" Alright, sensei "

Ichigo's eye twitches, he sighs though his nose, before agreeing " Alright "

Satoru raises a brow. He wasn't even going to argue, was he?

Perhaps , Satoru thinks, perhaps it was because lives were in danger here and because his comrade and teammate, Tyson was feeling completely awful.

Why, he thinks, Why was Tyson so down? Why did he seem so sad?

He decides to ask about it later.

Ichigo and Yuuji picked them and carried them in their arms. Tyson speaks a few words with the red head while they left the place and stood outside the building, waiting for Tyson.

Tyson soon appears, his mahogany eyes still sorrowful.

Satoru opens his mouth to greet him, however he was interrupted by Ichigo.

" Are you alright? " The orange head asks, his voice laced with concern

Tyson raises a brow, surprised " I'm fi-"

" Nope " Satoru wags his finger " Don't lie Blue Dragon. "

Tyson sighs. They had spent more than a year together as a team. Of course, they knew Tyson well enough to know when he feels awful.

" I - I just-" Tyson sighs " I just wish someone like you was there when my mother was affected by a curse. "

" Your mother?" Itadori whispers

" Yeah. She died when I was around 4. She had the same symptoms. She just died one day. "

" Perhaps, her body couldn't handle the cursed energy. Not everyone can use cursed energy. Some people aren't strong enough and their body soon gives up, resulting in death. "

" I see. " Tyson mutters, putting on his black mask " Let's get going then! "

Satoru nods.

They set off.

How pitiful, Satoru thinks,  how sad. Some how he wonders how things would have been if someone had been there....


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