First Mission - Find Haru Kimura .

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Disclaimer - Don't own beyblade Or any other anime mentioned here. Only own this plot line and my OCs.


The Bladebrakers quickly assembled on that morning. It was their first mission. A mission that would assess both their physical and mental capability during missions. According to their performance in this mission, they would receive new ones.

But Tyson had already disagreed to that. Tyson had agreed to them doing three to four missions. Nothing more. Tyson wanted the Bladebrakers to continue leading their peaceful lives. He didn't want them to be mixed up in this pile of problems.

Tyson was sitting on a bench. He had on casual clothes and not his usual get up during missions and meetings with higher ups.

Tyson stared at a single leaf as it fluttered away from its branch and gently fell to the ground before being carried away by the wind again.

He sighs softly and turns to his friends.

" You really got the most complicated first mission I have ever seen. "

He smiles and stands up, his posture and demeanor shifting.

" Your mission is to - "


" - Find haru" Arata spoke as he watches Tyson closely, observing his reaction. Waiting for one.

But Tyson doesn't react in any manner for the first few seconds. Then he sighs.

" Right. And what leads do you even have? " He asks, eyes narrowed. Tyson was pissed. Not at Arata. Just the other advisors and maybe Arata too, for not contacting him or informing him about this whole mess.

Arata understood that. Arata could understand why Tyson was pissed. He would be too, if he were in such a situation.

Arata leans back in his chair before replying.

" A lot, actually. "

At this Tyson reacted quickly. He raised a single eye brow. A silent question was raised by the young man.

" You see. Team 4 have been researching and they have been able to find some information of the same. "

Tyson cocked his head to the side, a frown on his face.

" Why didn't I know of this? "

" You were on holiday, Blue Dragon. " Arata replies.

Tyson bit back a bitter laugh and an angry remark and opts to sigh instead.

What was the use of yelling at Arata. Even if he yelled at Arata, he wouldn't manage to rile Arata up and be able to hold a screaming match, which he really wanted. Arata would just throw him out of the office and ask Tyson to return some other time, when he had calmed down.

Tyson looks up at Arata, when a new question forms in his head.

" Why Team 4? Why not both the rookie teams instead? "

Arata stares at Tyson like he had grown a second head. Tyson stares back, waiting for a damn answer.

" Did the holidaying affect you, Blue Dragon " Arata asked.

Tyson stares back at him, unable to understand what the hell this man was saying.

Arata sighs .

" Both Rookie teams were incomplete. Team 5 didn't have it's captain and Team 12 had just lost one of it's member and were grieving. How can you suggest that I send such a team to research such delicate matter. The rookie teams are efficient and brilliant. But they too have their bad days. Surely, you know that, Tyson. " Arata says.

Tyson nods and sighs through his nose. Of course, Arata couldn't possibly send those teams.

" Alright then. Who all are assigned for this mission? " Tyson asks.

" The wielders of the celestial bit beasts. The other two can be used for back up and as for the young girl, I believe that she is indeed related to Hiromi. I think it would be best to reveal her heritage and her family treasure soon. I don't think you need to include her on this mission. She can be included after we dig out the Kirin bit beast."

Tyson nods. Hilary soon had to know of Hiromi Tachibana . Her sister.

"The Rookie teams are to accompany all of you. " Arata adds.

" Right. So what are these findings? "

Arata merely grabs a huge file and dumps it on the table.

" Read to find out. " With that Tyson was excused from Arata's office. Tyson stared down at the huge file in his hand, He sighs yet again and heads to his room. Time to start reading.


" Alright. So this is what we have to do. All of you will be given positions . Each of you must report when you reach there. Our group will ne split in the 5. The fifth group, led by me will be infiltrating the shrine. " Tyson says after announcing what their mission is.

" The shrine? " Max asked " Why the shrine?"

" According to Team 4 , Their bit beasts are able to sense Haru's or rather his bit beasts presence within a few abandoned buildings and shrine. The made up some sort of chart and tried predicting where his presence will be found next. And they narrowed it down to this abandoned shrine. "

" Abandoned huh " Kai mutters.

" Yeah. Some sort of creatures are clustered around it, causing the people to refrain from visiting. Remember, be cautious. Don't attack any of the creatures there. You guys have to back up my team, so you need to remain in one piece and ready to fight at any time. Got it? " Tyson asks.

Quick nods and a few eye rolls( not Kai and Hilary) was the response.

" And Hilary, you can sit this one out. " Tyson says

" Well duh, I don't have a bit beast. " She says crossing her arms.

" About that.. " Tyson begins, unsure if he should tell her the story now. She raises her eyebrow at his behavior.

Tyson shakes his head and decides to tell her all about that later.

" Nothing. Well there is something but we'll talk later. After the mission. " Tyson responds to her silent question.

Hilary frowns ,not happy with the answer, but she nods accepting his excuse.

Tyson holds back a sigh and looks back at the group.

" Alright. So this is your first mission. Don't screw this one up. Not because of the fact that if you do, you won't receive any more missions but because if you do, you'll be risking ,and perhaps throwing away, not just your life, but also the lives of the ones around you. Remember that. "

Silence echoes as the words sink.

" Alright. The leaders of the five groups are Samantha, who's leading Kaito and Yuki , Tori who's leading Aiko and Daichi. Sora who's leading Bruce and Akari, Me who's leading Catherine and Nick, and Kai who's leading Ray, Max and Kenny. " Tyson says

" Any doubts?" Tyson asks.

Kai narrows his eyes after they widen on their own. He did have a doubt but that will have to be asked later on.


( Sorry for the delay!

Until next time!!)

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