23 : Navigating

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"We're here." I announce, glancing over at Rosie. But something seems off about her. She appears a bit distracted, lost in her thoughts.

"Are you ready?" My voice catches her attention, and she turns towards me, focusing on my words.

"Mh? Oh, yeah..." she responds absentmindedly, reaching between her legs and handing me the box.

I should've asked that dumb waitress what she said to Rosie. Whatever it was, she's really upset about it.

"Everything okay?" I ask again, concerned, as I place my hand on her thigh. Hoping to comfort her.

Rosie quickly replies, "M'fine..." before opening her car door and stepping out.

Doesn't want to be touched? Maybe she just needs some space...

"Alright..." I sigh, deciding to let the topic rest for now. Meeting her parents is more important, and I want to make a good impression.

Walking over to her I grab her hand and remind myself again, I keep forgetting to get her a cane.

As we approach her parents' house, a mix of nerves and anticipation washes over me.

What do I tell them? What if they recognize me? What if they do and they tell her? Would they like me? Would she care? If so, how much? A dealbreaker?

I clear my mind and adjust my jacket, taking a deep breath in. Crossing my fingers in the hopes that they never heard of me.

The old wooden floorboards underneath our feet creak as I pull on their old-school doorbell.

"Ah memories..." a soft whisper from Rosie's lips.

The door swings open, and there stands this rugged man, like straight out of a Western movie.

He looks to be in his fifties, with a face lined with the stories of a life spent under the sun.

His piercing blue eyes hid right under his well-worn cowboy-hat.

This is her father?

They don't even look alike.

He's dressed in a plaid shirt, worn jeans, and dusty boots.

As the door opens wider, I try to introduce myself when suddenly, a little dog darts out into the yard, catching us off guard.

"What the-"

My instincts were to reach for my gun and shoot. But when I did, I was met with an empty pocket.

I left it in the car...


Probably would've been a bad first impression.

Blowing out a sigh of relief, I look over at Rosie who seems unfazed. Did she hear him?

I can't believe she never told me she had a dog.

Clearing my throat, I try again, a little startled by the whole thing. I remain calm and extend my hand to shake his.

"You must be Rosie's father." I say, aiming for a good first impression, but just as I extend my hand, Rosie nudges me.

"It's not my dad." she whispers, causing me to awkwardly retract my hand.

"Come again?" I whisper while mentally sighing in relief.

The man behind the door looks just as confused and asks, "Who's Rosie?"

My voice restrained, I apologize, "I'm sorry, I must've gotten the wrong address." I glance over at Rosie, who appears equally puzzled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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