19 : Join the club

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- I've noticed I've been making a lot of mistakes throughout the book. I'm so sorry! Thank you guys for pointing it out though and commenting in general!!

Once this book is finished, I'll edit it out!

(Also one of you asked if blind people can dream and honestly, I hadn't thought of that.... And I have no idea. Soooo just pretend for this story that they can! Love yousss <3)


- Also. I switch between pov's a lot this chapter I'm sorry if it's confusing.

Keiran's pov 

(Nathan's friend / Ivanna's husband)

Nathan came clean to us about what he had done to Gustavo's men.

I don't know what he was thinking and what he expected to happen. But since he's boss. We'll just have to deal with it, as per usual.

To ensure Rosie's safety, Nathan had me and Josh ask around.

Knocking on doors. Threatening them for information about the leak. But no one seemed to know what we were even talking about in the first place.

I text the other group that we haven't found anything yet.

"I hate walking this much." "Yeah well join the club."

"This isn't gonna work." Josh sighed as he played with the gun in his hand, bored as we walked back to the car after coming back from another house visit.

"It wasn't my decision." I sigh.

I didn't want to be here either. I could've been in my bed with my wife.

"But if this is what he wants us to do then this is what we're gonna do. You're paid to do this and enough that you can't compla-" before I could finish my sentence, my phone goes off.

I hold my hand up, telling Josh to wait.

"I have to go piss." He slaps my hand away before walking off.

Looking at the caller ID I see it's my beautiful wife and pick up.

"Hey Tiggie." "Hey daddy!" "What's up." "Okay. So hear me out."

Uh oh.

This could take a while.

"- I was thinking right? How could we get more time together."

I unlock the car and open the door before sitting down behind the wheel.

"You know, like this morniiing..." she whispers seductively, making me uncomfortably shift in my seat to adjust myself.

That damn little tone of hers.

"Ivanna." I say in a warning tone. I'm trying not to think about this morning.

"- yeah yeah but what was the reason we were interrupted? Daddy. Say it with me..... Nathan! Exactly."

"Ivy baby..." I sigh as I buckle my seatbelt just as Josh opens his door.

"No no wait! Listen listen. So I was thinking right." "Mhm" "and I came up with this brilliant idea to keep her busy today while also getting them together sooo I was thinking of arranging them a date! They can spend time together and and they won't bother us and who knows maybe they'll get down and dirty, freaky deaky ya know what I'm sayinnn and then we'll have even more time together! I just need you to tell him. Like, Nathan. Tell him he's going on a date. Tonight." I wait a few seconds to make sure she was done talking.

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